Twistzz looks like a ragdoll after landing on the ramp, which makes Zywoo think he got the kill. I dont think this is the biggest problem, but it just feels weird to play a game where player models wobble around like this when it wasnt an issue in CS:GO at all. its especially bad when playing Surf.

Twistzz looks like a ragdoll after landing on the ramp, which makes Zywoo think he got the kill. I dont think this is the biggest problem, but it just feels weird to play a game where player models wobble around like this when it wasnt an issue in CS:GO at all. its especially bad when playing Surf.


  1. Holy fuck, I would need to watch the replay but yeah this ragdoll is definitely wonky as fuck.

    Thank god vitality won the game nonetheless, but this kill could have really been round defining

  2. Wakeeyyy

    so whats the excuse to someone stopping a spray when its a normal duel? how do u know this isnt the case. he thought he killed him and stopped spraying.

  3. GigaCringeMods

    If by any chance any Valve developer is reading this: Please I beg you, fix the models and make them rigid again. You can go back to Deadlock right after, just a quick fix, that’s all we ask.

  4. Mainbaze

    I see this is the same spider as when niko peeked

  5. imnotokayandthatso-k

    I honestly kinda love how goofy cs2 can get

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