After Today, G2 are now 0-9 against Navi since they have gone international

After Today, G2 are now 0-9 against Navi since they have gone international


  1. Darkoplax

    i guess someone can beat G2 9 time in a row but no one and LET IT BE KNOWN NO ONE BEATS G2 10 TIMES IN A ROW ;

    We will get them at the major when it matters

  2. BidDaddyLei

    This is not a rivalry… they always kick our ass.
    -Joel Niko probably

  3. analytics_Gnome

    Aleksib is the father of G2 confirmed

  4. literate_Windrunner


  5. dragoon619

    Love how they’ve lost so many times now they just laugh at the end of the match, even while high-fiving Navi 😀

  6. fantasnick

    Looks like only Vitality and Liquid can stop Aleksi now

  7. shuijikou

    I’m actually surprised that two relatively closed ranking teams able to face each other so many times within 1.5 years time

  8. thenoobtanker

    I watch this match and it is not even funny as a Navi fan. It seems like Navi is just trolling at this point. The 13-9 score line doesn’t show how one sided this series is. I mean G2 almost lost the series to a miss deagle spam (not the first time). If that third shot misses the defuse would have gone through and match would be over with Hunter being the second Kovac to lose a map to Navi to a Deagle spam on a second map of a BO3…

    Its not funny. Its just sad at this point.

  9. Broken010209

    The best was Niko getting baited by Aleksi’s scream in the last round of ancient.

  10. Since they foolishly try to go against Aleksib*

  11. Dota2player111

    Lmfao g2 management now having flashbacks of kicking sexy b

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