
Ubisoft is scrambling to make some changes in their business practices

Ubisoft is scrambling to make some changes in their business practices


  1. CuteGrayRhino

    Their CEO’s statement:

    “Our second quarter performance fell short of our expectations, prompting us to address this swiftly and firmly, with an even greater focus on a player-centric, gameplay-first approach and an unwavering commitment to the long-term value of our brands,” Guillemot said in a statement Wednesday.

    “Although the tangible benefits of the Company’s transformation are taking longer than anticipated to materialize, we keep on our strategy, focusing on two key verticals – Open World Adventures and GaaS-native experiences – with the objective to drive growth, recurrence and robust free cash flow generation in our business.

    “In the light of recent challenges, we acknowledge the need for greater efficiency while delighting players. As a result, beyond the first important short-term actions undertaken, the Executive Committee, under the supervision of the Board of Directors, is launching a review aimed at further improving our execution, notably in this player-centric approach, and accelerating our strategic path towards a higher performing model to the benefit of our stakeholders and shareholders.”

    “Finally, let me address some of the polarized comments around Ubisoft lately. I want to reaffirm that we are an entertainment-first company, creating games for the broadest possible audience, and our goal is not to push any specific agenda. We remain committed to creating games for fans and players that everyone can enjoy.”

    This last part is especially telling.

  2. 1. Focus on the fun aspect of games

    2. Don’t release a buggy mess

    3. ?????

    4. Profits

  3. Vic_Hedges

    I don’t give any credence to the marketing gobbledigook, but bringing Outlaws to Steam means I’ll buy it.

  4. fapg0d2024

    Maybe they should start hiring people with actual backgrounds and personal experiences instead of hiring people who can’t relate to Asian experiences write Asian stories

  5. VeryNiceBalance_LOL

    Oh god i enjoy seeing this company going to shit. Hell yes never stop, hate following these fuckers is incredible.

    From being one of the top devs in 90s to around mid 2000s, to THIS. They deserve more hate than what they’re getting. Much much more hate.

  6. username100308

    Should have just hired everyone on this sub

  7. I assume I still have to use their awful app and they’ll be keeping the $120 editions with early access though right?

  8. AEsylumProductions

    “notably in this player-centric approach, and accelerating our strategic path towards a higher performing model to the benefit of our stakeholders and shareholders.”

    These two things are almost always historically, diametrically opposed in the video games industry.

  9. pizzacake15

    At this point, i don’t even bother with Ubisoft anymore. I didn’t even buy The Crew 2 despite being 98% off.

    They were great 15 years ago then became greedy mfs.

  10. Sensitivevirmin

    They’re going to make wi a flame katana for $8.99 aren’t they….

  11. cypher50

    Too much focus on building their own launcher and subscription service. They basically paid to make themselves less convenient to play on the PC.

  12. Seigmoraig

    >focus on a player-centric, gameplay-first approach

    Fucking genius take there Yves, who else could have thought of this strategy to make money in the video games industry 🤡🤡

  13. TheEternalGazed

    Between the American hip-hop soundtrack, using bots to hype the game on youtube, passing employees as legitimate Japanese historians, using copyrighted images without asking permission, the investigation by the Japanese government and this the marketing game has been an endless shit-show.

    Apparently, the collectors edition comes with a figure which has a one-legged Torii gate. In real life that symbol is the symbol of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. What in the actual fuck.

    It appears to be a Qlectors not the collectors edition. [**Link here**](

  14. BenianFastard

    TLDR: “Our shitty games are about to get a whole lot shittier”

  15. TemperateStone

    They’ve been scrambling for several years. They’re deeply dysfunctional.

  16. soy_malk

    Fuck the AAA game industry. Absolutely obnoxious that a majority of this community still buys into the garbage they dish out to “accelerat(e) our strategic path towards a higher performing model to the benefit of our stakeholders and shareholders”

    PSA: When you buy a $60 game that also offers $1000s of dollar in DLCs and skins, **YOU** are the problem in the gaming industry.

  17. DrIvoPingasnik

    Too late. I’m not touching ubisoft games ever again. They had years to put things right for us gamers, they are only changing, because they are starting to bleed money, not because they realized they are a bunch of greedy assholes who don’t give a fuck about games or gamers, only profits.

  18. LifeBuilder

    They don’t have to scramble.

    Take their time.

    Trust us: **No one** has high expectations from them. If we didn’t hear from them for 5 years, they’d be welcomed with the same fervor as usual.

  19. AramisFR

    It’s all fun and games, until your share price crashes and you piss off the people who can fuck you over

  20. Dany_Targaryenlol

    Their company is worth “only” $2 billion but have 19,000 employees.

    How many Ubisoft = one Apple or one Microsoft? haha.

    Also looks like they will be putting their games on Steam now even tho Steam gonna be take that 30% cut.

  21. TheBlackCycloneOrder

    Simple solution: let people own their games forever!

  22. Geeekaaay

    Every game they have released in the last 10 years is either MEH or a story of “wasted potential.” After a few of those in a row, most gamers just understand what Ubisoft means.

    Ubisoft means “meh” game titles and owners and executives that cover up for sexual assault instead of making a better workplace.

    Instead of fixing any of that, Ubisoft wasted time and money on a crappy launcher no one wants, NFT scams in their OWN FUCKING GAMES, and projects that any reasonable company would have canceled half way through development (staring at Skull and Bones.)

  23. lakiku_u

    Maybe don’t give us 30 versions of your game so that anyone that buys the standard version doesn’t feel like they’re getting an incomplete game.

  24. Godzirrraaa

    All publicly traded video game companies are like this. Ubisoft, Take Two, EA. They aren’t just expected to make money, but grow, always more and more money. Option one is to make great games, option two is to make mediocre games and monetize the fuck out of em.

  25. NoRevolution4588

    Good because they’ve had some flops recently

  26. slipup17

    Is making a good functional game part of their business process? I mean, I feel like that should be goal #1…

  27. kylekez

    I will be here, enjoying Ubisoft’s downfall.

  28. utrbkvcovcktdkpqxd

    > to the benefit of our stakeholders and shareholders. Our goal is not to push any specific agenda.

    HAHA Fuck off!

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