Oh Ubisoft, have you finally learned?

Oh Ubisoft, have you finally learned?


  1. Every time Ubisoft learns one thing, it pushes out some other knowledge.

  2. mnl_cntn

    Does anyone have any links that describe Ubisoft’s previous approach? I didn’t know/realize that Ubisoft didn’t release launch games on Steam. Would be nice to see how poorly aged that press release or announcement is now

  3. As long as they still force you to go through their abhorrent launcher this will remain a huge no from me.

  4. Iamperpetuallyangry

    Day one on steam however, no achievements, Ubi account and launcher use required, and like every Ubi game there will be people who buy the game on steam but the CD key will have some error and they’ll effectively lose money and ubi will refuse to help

  5. Geeekaaay

    It’s going to require the UPlay launcher. They ALWAYS do.

  6. Hwordin

    Oh no… but investors will see the actual online 😱

  7. XDM_Inc

    What’s that? Assassin’s Creed games are being produced again? Awesome! I haven’t seen an assassin’s Creed game in eons! 🤣

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