[COD] One month left. What are your expectations?

[COD] One month left. What are your expectations?


  1. playerlsaysr69

    Hopefully more server fixes and improved anti cheat

  2. aRealTattoo

    Mediocrity. Hype everybody up for 1-2 months and then clear issues that were there from launch become major issues on the 3rd month.

  3. Emotional-Chipmunk70


    I’m playing ghosts, BO3,BO4,WW2, MW19, and MW23. And I just bought vanguard for the first time. I’m not even thinking about BO6 yet.

    Right now I’m thinking about contracts and calling cards on BO3, as well as the new costumes and challenges that dropped on MW23.

  4. DomDoesNerf

    I loved the free beta. I will most likely buy it when It goes on discount

  5. Storm_Production_


  6. BraxxIsTheName

    I’ve enjoyed every Treyarch campaign & I think this one will be fun too

  7. jespertherapper

    Just hoping that the maps are good. Like being able to breath

  8. Imaginary_Monitor_69

    High, specially for campaign, MP is on my good side for now, and zombies……my hope for both the mode and community has never been lower

  9. Another cod I’m not going to buy. 6 years strong now

  10. 50eggmafia

    I’ve taken a long break from CoD and am ready to be hurt again. Haven’t played since Vanguard first dropped.

  11. Obstacle_cause

    It’s free, so definitely gonna try it, mid expectations tho, if the last few years are anything to go off, last cod I genuinely enjoyed was cold war.

  12. Based off the public beta I’m stoked. I had a great time

  13. BigBlackCrocs

    I didn’t buy mw3. But got it for free. So had fun for 2 weeks. lol.

    Won’t buy this one. If I get it for free. Cool. If not. No skin off my teeth

  14. Wolfy26wrld999

    I loved the beta I’m probably gonna love the game as well. they do this shit right and listen to the community and I’m sure this will be a good one

  15. TimProVision

    My expectation is the same as most years. I buy it knowing I’ll enjoy it for about a month and then mostly forgo playing after that. And I am ok with this, I get my fun and move on. Not every game needs to captivate my attention for thousands of hours

  16. RenanBan

    its on gamepass so I’ll check out zombies. played a couple of matches of MP in the beta period. Didnt like the game at all. As always cod leaning towards the braindead monster fuelled sweats that need to play every match like is the last. Multiplayer is ZERO interest

  17. While I’m keeping my stance that the game is still gonna be pretty subpar, I gotta say the beta was pretty fun, the hostage feature is definitely something I enjoyed and the movement isn’t as terrible to play against than I thought

  18. antmanninja3

    Beta was fun. Hope it is fun. (This is their last chance for me)

  19. RooieDakDuiff

    I liked the beta. Only expectation i have is that the graphics compared to the beta will improve a bit

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