
Ubisoft Admits Star Wars Outlaws Underperformed

Ubisoft Admits Star Wars Outlaws Underperformed


  1. Status_Entertainer49

    True reason why they delayed assassin creed

  2. lce_Fight

    This company seems to be speedrunning how to destroy your own company… good god

  3. I like Star Wars and I had a great time playing Star Wars: Fallen Order and Survivor. But the fact that I have basically only seen bugs from that game and nothing that makes me want to play it is a massive failure on their part, because I’m part of their target audience

  4. Redfeather1975

    I hope this doesn’t delay Division 3. I heard Massive was going to start on Division 3 once Outlaws was done.

  5. BlueMikeStu

    Not a surprise.

    When I grew up, new Star Wars stuff was a big deal because it was rare as hell. We got new toys here and there and new games from time to time, or new books, but it wasn’t a constant media blitz of major projects. For mainline content growing up as a 90’s kid, the big deal was still movies from the late 70’s/early 80’s.

    Now, it’s a constant barrage of content, and the quality is lacking in a lot of them. It’s generic bullshit with a Star Wars sticker slapped on it. The games these days don’t do anything with an interesting twist like KOTOR 1/2, and most of the media is just fanfiction by people who grew up with it glazing the original cast and series instead of using the big fucking universe to tell something new and interesting about a series which, lore-wise, spans an entire galaxy and a timeline thousands of years long.

    I already knew what Outlaws was going to be before it launched. I’m sure I’ll have fun with it when it goes on sale next year for $20, but I’m not paying full price for that shit.

  6. WordsWithSam

    Is it $20 off yet? Was gonna pick it up when it dropped.

  7. cosmicsmosmic

    Ubisoft makes some pretty uninspired games. Once you’ve played one, you’ve pretty much played them all.

  8. AaronTheElite007

    It hasn’t hit Steam yet. Just sayin

  9. Looking forward to buying it for $20 once it’s patched up and complete.

    Companies need to stop releasing half baked games with major issues that playtesters HAD to have reported (overly punishing instant fail stealth, can’t carry a gun up a ladder, etc.). The more people vote with their wallet, the faster it will stop.

  10. CankleDankl

    At this point their reputation is so tarnished that even a legitimately good game they put out might not do well. Apparently Outlaws was above average quality-wise, but everyone just assumed it was gonna be mediocre slop like they’ve been putting out for years

    Ubisoft needs a major facelift

  11. Put it on steam and when it goes on sale, I’ll buy it.

  12. mattboness

    I eat up star wars games but I googled the first 3 boss fights and decided to pass this one even just going the Ubisoft+ route..

  13. CanadianMoooose

    Ubicrap underperforming in 2024? Must be Wednesday.

  14. NotWrongAlways

    Got it for free, haven’t activated it via the code or of course even tried. Ubisoft got paid for my code, which is a shame.

  15. ASEdouard

    ”Despite solid ratings (Metacritic 76) and user scores across the First Party and Epic stores (3.9/5) ” Yeah no.

  16. A few things working against it, some self inflicted and some beyond their control.

    There’s some Ubisoft Open World^TM fatigue after uninspiring entries in the Far Cry and Assassins Creed series.

    The console userbase is a fractured mess that still has tons of holdouts on last-gen hardware because the “next gen” rolled out during the pandemic with zero software support.

    Reviews were middling with a lot of complaints about performance, which is unacceptable in next gen games with this much power behind them.

    And finally, Disney has mismanaged the Star Wars license with a disjointed sequel trilogy that went nowhere and a bunch of meh-quality content that’s sapped a lot of enthusiasm out of the fanbase.

  17. There are a lot of games out there right now where I think to myself “I’d totally buy that and try it out, if it wasn’t from that developer.” Ubi is at the top of that list of developers.

  18. 0rganicMach1ne

    How many people are waiting for the super mega deluxe ultimate god edition to be on sale though? It’s something I really look forward to playing but I’ve learned with Ubi to wait until after it has been out and has had patches and I can get the whole thing on sale. It’s so much more enjoyable to just dive right into the the complete as polished as it’ll ever be experience.

  19. schoolhouserocky

    I paid for a month of Ubisoft + so I could try Outlaws, rather than pay $90 for it. I’m glad I did. I got a few hours of enjoyment from it, but it doesn’t take long for the game play loop to get repetitive. Talk to someone, go on a stealth mission to steal something from them. Talk to someone else, go on a stealth mission to to steal something for them.

    I didn’t like it enough to pay for a second month of U+. That said, I’d be tempted to buy it down the road when the complete edition is $20 or $30. As a SW fan I enjoy the setting and lore around it.

  20. VeryNiceBalance_LOL

    Fuck yea!

    Remember how he lied to shareholders faces during the last shareholder meeting, saying how the game is doing incredibly well in pre orders. What a bitch.

  21. for_today

    Can’t wait to buy this heavily discounted next year

  22. I wonder when it will come full circle and companies start realizing that triple A arcade style experiences are what people want.

  23. butwhythoeh

    When they chose quantity over quality what did they expect?

  24. Geeekaaay

    Keep releasing bland games, good luck with that.

  25. Good – I got screwed out of a free copy in a promo and I’m not buying it myself now. I hate Ubisoft

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