Assassin’s Creed Shadows will now release February 14, 2025.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows will now release February 14, 2025.


  1. Sanjuro-Makabe-MCA

    Lol I like how they fucked up the spacing of the second sentence. Did the intern press “enter” on accident?

  2. Daemoni73

    Toning down the wokeness because of the recent backlash on various game titles and tv series / movies, and the massive stock price drops?

  3. Doodleboop_1

    Fans waited for years for a samurai based AC game and Ubisoft waited till they were falling apart to finally deliver it. After Ghost of Tsushima and it’s now announced sequel, I don’t see this going well.

  4. theyellowjester

    I guess we’re all finally gonna get fucked for Valentine’s Day.

  5. GoldenBarnie

    I know alot of people hate Ubisoft but this is good news. It means that the devs listened and managed to convince the execs to delay the game. They also realise that this business model is very unfriendly toward consumers. Be skeptical of course but it’s important to remember that this is what old Ubisoft would’ve done.

  6. Nowadays it is more a news when a game actually releases at the announced date. At least one delay the the norm.

  7. Translation :

    We were gonna release it uncompleted repetetive bs but since we are going bankrupt and we invested a lot in this we need to make sure it does a good launch and actually playable and FUN.


    *Yes ubisoft it is not cool to copy paste games and you cant milk it forever that way.*

  8. Kenchi91210

    The nail of the coffin has arrived and they are no match for the giant in the genre..THE GHOST series.

  9. crash10234

    AC games have been absolutely garbage since Origins so it doesn’t matter.

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