
AC: Shadows has now been delayed to February 14, 2025 and will also mark the return of Ubisoft Games releasing on Steam from Day 1

AC: Shadows has now been delayed to February 14, 2025 and will also mark the return of Ubisoft Games releasing on Steam from Day 1


  1. AutoEuphoric

    I really hope people stop pre-ordering digital copies of games

  2. IronNobody4332

    We need to support choices like this. Delaying a game so it can come out as a finished product is a positive thing that needs to be normalized (*cough cough Cyberpunk).

    That being said, with the delay, release a finished product. Don’t bullshit around with tons of server issues and preventable things we know happen at launch. Get it right.

  3. NieThePiet

    Better this than releasing an unfinished game.

  4. They figured that no one that plans to play Assassin’s Creed has other plans on Valentines anyway

  5. AliGcent

    The same release date as Kingdom Come 2, good luck then…

  6. TheVaniloquence

    People will crack the jokes and say “Ubi bad!” but this is objectively a good decision. Not just the delay, but listening to feedback by scrapping the early access, putting the game on Steam, and even giving the first expansion to everyone as a pre-order incentive as a make up.

    Hopefully this is them realizing the dire straits the company is in and they begin to turn around the ship, because I do genuinely enjoy a lot of their games and the worlds they build.

  7. khmergodzeus

    short version :

    pre orders not good so we will not be making it exclusive to ubisoft store.

    pre orders not good so will give first dlc to those that pre order to pad our numbers for investors

  8. tpqzouludmoiqiqssh

    Until they shut down uPlay they can fuck off.

  9. newtownmail

    Honestly kind of a relief, there are still a bunch of 2024 games I need to get through before the end of the year and this delay gives me some breathing room.

  10. Steam: “You couldn’t live with your failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.”

  11. reminderer

    NOVEMBER 2024:

    Mario & Luigi: Brothership, Lego Horizon, Path of Exile 2, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl

    FEBRUARY 2025:

    Monster Hunter Wilds, Civilization 7, Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, Avowed

    Good luck!

  12. WinterVamp11

    Good decision tbh. Would rather have a finished polished game, than a game full of bugs.

    They even gave out refunds. Good job ubi.

  13. If this was any other company, id say it is a good thing that they’re listening to feedback and whatever. But its Ubisoft we’re talking about, they most likely are just waiting for the dust to settle on their shit game and to try to avoid yet another flop in 2024

  14. thisisnotdan

    In studying Japanese culture, they apparently have come across Nintendo’s philosophy of delaying games for however long they want to make sure they get it right.

  15. Cloud_N0ne

    The problem with them releasing on Steam is that you still need Ubisoft’s launcher to play.

    When you launch from Steam, it launches Uplay, and then Uplay launches the game. So you’re better off just buying it through Uplay to skip the extra step since Ubisoft keeps doing this annoying shit

  16. Delayed, on steam day fucking 1, and first expansion for free? Sheeeeh, I love when bullying works

  17. kevlon92

    Pretty Sure the Release of ghost 2 next year will not helpdesk this one.

  18. taavidude

    Everyone saying that this is a good thing, because then it will be fixed. Personally I highly doubt that. I’m willing to bet that once it does launch, there are still gonna be plenty of easy to find issues that should’ve been fixed during the delay.

  19. islander1

    Looks like they are finally starting to get it. On multiple fronts.

  20. MissLana89

    The problem with Shadows is too deep to fix in two-three months. The problem is Ubisoft itself. The Guillemots and their abusive power structure need to go. Until then, it’ll just be garbage, sadly enough. It’ll still sell well enough I guess…

  21. bllueace

    But will it still launch their launcher when I start it on steam 😂

  22. Worth-Primary-9884

    Ubisoft will be nothing more but a footnote in the annals of history shortly either way. Let that ship sink already.

  23. RedneckChEf88

    I think ill go with ghost of yotei isntead….

  24. Various_Blue

    This just screams “the number of preorders didn’t match our expectations”.

  25. Effective-Priority62

    Corporate talk for “We were going to release it unfinished anyway and rely on fans and the media to praise us when it’s eventually finished, but we have to take 4 months to figure out what other grossly offensive shit our AI generated map may have had included besides the A-bomb destroyed monument”

  26. KingMob9

    On steam but without Uplay, right?


  27. officerfett

    [*Won’t somebody pleeeease think of the shareholders?!*](

    >(Reuters) – French videogame maker Ubisoft has postponed the release of “Assassin’s Creed Shadows” by three months to Feb. 14, 2025 and cut its guidance for second-quarter net bookings.

    >Net bookings are now seen at around 350 million to 370 million euros in the three months to end September, compared with 500 million euros previously.

    >Ubisoft also announced that “Star Wars Outlaws” will be available on the Steam store on Nov. 21 after a softer than expected launch.

    >(Reported by Mathias de Rozario; Editing by Kirsten Donovan)

  28. Eternal-Raider

    Ill take a delay any day over shipping out a shitty product but my issue comes when you delay especially several times and its still a hunk of junk

  29. LigmaAss69

    Maximum damage control, they are just waiting for bad press to blow over.

  30. MrPangus

    The thing about Ac worlds that kinda bothers me is everyone speaks English in a stereotypical accent and hey there’s my neighbor, Leonardo da Vinci!

    I can only imagine what this one will be like

  31. HazyDavyy

    I…just hope people who read this realize that ubisoft is doing this because they realized sales were about to be really bad, and not cause they suddenly care about customers or finished games. We’ve seen enough already.


    They will drag it further than Feb. The goal is to lay low for some time until you guys forget your names, then strike with a finished, repetitive , shit game as usual 😉

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