
Playstation Is Reportedly Trying To Get Exclusivity For A New Batman Game In Development By Rocksteady

Playstation Is Reportedly Trying To Get Exclusivity For A New Batman Game In Development By Rocksteady


  1. MuptonBossman

    Best case scenario is that we get a Batman Beyond game set in the Arkham universe that can act as a reboot of the series.

    What we’ll actually get is an extraction style shooter where you play as a bunch of thugs trying to rob Wayne Manor. One player will get to play as The Batman, but only if you have the exclusive Battle Pass that comes with the “I Am The Night Digital Deluxe Edition”.

  2. Baatun888

    That will NEVER happen. PC is by far the biggest market, no AAA Game would ever ignore that.

  3. touchezy

    Xbox putting its exclusive games on Playstation meanwhile Playstation doesnt put any games on Xbox even the ones that go to every other platform including Switch like Lego Horizon and Freedom Wars Remastered, is paying third party games like Silent Hill 2 to exclusively skip Xbox even if they launch every where else, and even went as far as to pay for exclusivity for the prologue animations in Sonic X Shadow generations

  4. Goddamnitpappy

    Sony. Stop. Get help.

    Stop trying to buy exclusivity where none should exist. If it’s a Sony owned studio making a Playstation exclusive, I get it. But they need to stop trying to buying their exclusive content. Microsoft is sharing their games, ffs. And Sony can’t help but to double down. They don’t even view Nintendo as their direct competition and they have clearly maintained a lead over Microsoft. So why? Wtf.

  5. CinnamonHotcake

    What Rocksteady? Arkham dev team seems to be long gone.

  6. disgruntled_joe

    Rocksteady should sit down and have a nice chat with Square Enix, they have recent feelings about this kind of thing.

  7. Sherinz89

    Could not understand why studio think exclusivity is a good idea for them

    I mean…. look at FF16 for example

    Hype and all for the game, played or watching many played or even not played but inevitably spoiled

    After a year or so only to be release on PC? After all that?

    What hype is left for many people after all that? Since they can wait for 1 year, they can certainly wait for discount

  8. Gay-Bomb

    Nah man, let everyone enjoy it. If it’s good.

  9. Dr_Tacopus

    Stop with the exclusive content, get over yourselves. Make a good product and people will buy it. Don’t try to coerce people into buying a PlayStation for an exclusive game. It can’t be worth the cost

  10. Jeremiahtothenations

    This is current day Rocksteady we’re talking about, an absolute husk of a developer, Sony can have it…

  11. ghostpants116

    Lmao I hope elder scrolls 6 doesn’t come to Playstation, just to show Sony how fucking asinine this is

  12. 5StripedFalcon

    Can’t understand fanboys that think the downfall of a competitor will be good for consumers. F exclusives.

  13. I doubt Rocksteady would want to make their next Batman game a time exclusive to Playstation 5 at the moment.

  14. because_iam_buttman

    Because it worked so well with concord

  15. ClearlyCorrect

    The worst idea you can do is to spend money on a dead franchise. The Arkhamverse is torched because of Sewer Slide Squad and you can’t fix it, even if you made it non-canon.

  16. IcePopsicleDragon

    I will believe it when i see it, Warner Bros. has only shown interest in chasing the GaaS trend

  17. darryledw

    To those who don’t have a PS – I wouldn’t be so worried, if Suicide Squad KTJL is anything to go by….then this studio is a shell of its former self and may not be capable of producing another good Batman game.

  18. mrcosan

    Rocksteady is on life support, Zaslav is the big boss at Warner and he doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to saving money, if this exclusivity can lead to the studio not closing then I’m all for it.

  19. Aesthete18

    Enough of rocksteady batman games, it’s been milked to death already.

    Arkham Knight was good but it was clearly on a downward spiral.

    Even if they did Terry, it’d be the same copy and paste stuff but this time they’ll put batwing in. Then there’ll be some form of Joker in the future, mb the rogues’ gallery coming through some time travel thing and batman has to send each one back.

    The series should end with Conroy. Even Hamill didn’t want to do it anymore iirc

  20. Jase_the_Muss

    WB wondering why it didn’t really hit sales projections in a few years 🤣.

  21. Im_Ashe_Man

    Haha, they’ll call it Suicide Squad: The Batman Returns.

  22. Jaymonk33

    Exclusivity so they can ban the 100 something odd countrues from also enjoying this game?

    Or allow it to be on pc several years later

  23. Joshee86

    What a nothing story. This isn’t corroborated anywhere, it’s just one person saying this.

  24. DSRamos

    What’s the point? PS5 is the only console that matters this generation. There is no competition.

  25. mangongo

    Guarantee they would lock certain features such as performance mode behind the PS5 Pro in an attempt to sell more thousand dollar consoles.

  26. No-Pollution1149

    Rocksteady is a shell of its former self as much of the talent has left. I have very low expectations for this title but if it turns out good it’ll be a plus

  27. Duspende

    Just fucking take the original mechanics, give us Batman: Beyond with that, do something new and neat, whip up a cool story and let’s go. You don’t have to re-invent the damn wheel every time, man. Just let me beat up some thugs with a sweet and responsive combat system.

  28. xevxnteen

    Jesus Christ greed has no limits. Just make a good game, release on all platforms, and everyone will buy it. Elden Ring sold 25 million copies, and even had a good extra bonus from it’s DLC.

    They’ve clearly seen the mind-blowing success of multi-platform launches, I don’t know why they can’t just stick to it. I literally don’t know anyone that bought Horizon Forbidden West on Steam.

  29. ThisIsNotJP

    Just save up and buy a PC people you don’t have to worry about the word exclusive … Normally means “will be ported eventually” for us

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