What will you do if this was your enemy team?

(image not mine)


  1. DelayPast3183

    Well let’s just say I eat season 1’s(2019) for breakfast


    I mean what are they gonna do? Shoot me?

  3. The_Margin_Dude

    That’s easy! Acc. to this sub-reddit I’d just need to equip BP50 and the victory would be mine. MG42 if this game were to happen 2 seasons ago.

  4. SnooDrawings1306

    Just use bp50. It’s an smg, ar and lmg all at the same time.

  5. Mister-happierTurtle

    Whole squad, MGs. These guys look aggresisve. Post up where there are chokepoints. Open youtube.

  6. ElectronicHistory402

    They probably know how to spawn trap lol

  7. PurposeNo662

    Call my boys who are in top 10 MG42, BP50, Fennec, HvK and DRH

  8. sirensfromyoureyes

    do nothing cuz every other rank game looks like this

  9. FuggaSingh

    Don’t know why, i feel that tougher the opponent, the more confident i feel in the play !!
    I believe it’s called placebo effect or something, but man i get really excited when i get to play against tough ones !

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