This community is freaking weird man. Can’t believe some of you are getting upset over this…

This community is freaking weird man. Can’t believe some of you are getting upset over this…


  1. sirensfromyoureyes

    there’s gonna be all kinds of people here man, it’s an open space after all.

  2. Storomahu

    Paying 250$ for a Mythic, no one cares. Removing Facebook profile pictures, everyone goes berserk. Why are these people so weird I really don’t understand.

  3. Spurgustus

    Confused. It has 6 upvotes. Who’s upset?

  4. CaptainJuny

    Customisation is very important for me and I’m really upset that a nice element of it that is COMPLETELY FREE is removed. I can get that someone just doesn’t care, but I can’t understand why would anyone be happy because the players will now have just less freedom in the game.

  5. richarditis

    Sorry but I need to summon you u/-50000-

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