Frame Generation required for 1080p 60fps on medium settings with recommended specs.

Frame Generation required for 1080p 60fps on medium settings with recommended specs.


  1. 100feet50soles

    Rediculous. Hate that ubiquitous horsepower means they can get away with shoddy garbage like this.

  2. I love frame gen as a tech and use it almost whenever it’s available.

    However, as a frequent frame gen user / enjoyer, it’s well understood that you don’t do frame gen unless you can achieve at least 50-60 native FPS. Frame gen is mainly used for pushing beyond 120 FPS. Using it as a crutch for 30 native FPS will be horribly unplayable, and no amount of low latency mode will save your experience.

  3. -VoltKraken5555-

    I’m still getting it on February 28th.

    [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMBqJZW6_9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMBqJZW6_9k) release date trailer.

    They’re keeping palamute riding/ wall runing and wirebug traversal from Rise, and there’s a part where they use the clutch claw from World for a trap.

  4. CharlesEverettDekker

    How come the same studio that optimised RE2 and RE4 can’t make this game run the same?

  5. Blunt552

    RTX 4060, medium 1080p with framegen.

    Optimization = 0.

    That game literally looks, at best, marginally better than world, what a dumpsterfire.

  6. T3chn0fr34q

    thats nearly identical minimums to horizon forbidden west. a game that playthrough twice on steam deck. im more concerned about the recommended 60fps with frame generation.

  7. Dassmorthem26

    Bruh, i have a 3060ti, im cooked, i might have to upgrade even if i dont want to

  8. thebarnhouse

    All they’re doing is being transparent with what they consider minimum and recommended. The recommended specs are pretty low but without clarifying people might think that’s for 4k ultra settings.

  9. Upscalers and frame gen were since beginning created as a crutch for devs to save money. It was never to prolong longevity of older hardware nor to help with performance. This is the reality now.

  10. Hipperooni

    High refresh rate displays are becoming more and more common yet games are resorting to fake 60fps at 1080p. What the heck is happening

  11. As a 3060 ti 12400f user, i will simply skip this game.

    By skipping i mean i won’t even pirate it.

  12. Dragon’s Dogma 2.1, another unoptimized shit to not to buy.

  13. Sidequest_Bosd

    Gotta love that my cpu now appears as minimum spec (i5 10600)

  14. Dynakun86

    When system requirements start looking more like instructions I think there might be a problem with the game.

  15. DependentAnywhere135

    The 1080p part is the only thing that bothers me. If the medium in this game looks like high/ultra in older games that would hopefully mean the high/ultra are very high quality and for future hardware which is kinda what I think we want to see in pc gaming and what has been missing for a long time.

    1080p though that’s pretty weird and not what I want to see. I’ve been on 4k for like 5 years.

  16. _TeflonGr_

    Funny for a game that is targeted at such a large audience/community

  17. Tarc_Axiiom

    Am I crazy or do neither of those recommended GPUs support frame gen?

    EDIT: Since I need to specify, the Nvidia cards, and Nvidia frame gen. I wouldn’t assume they’re expecting you to use cross party frame generation, but then again they’re also expecting frame gen for 60 FPS so maybe *they’re* crazy.

  18. CammKelly

    Is it me or after things like FF XVI and now this, Japanese devs are now starting to take the piss in regards to performance.

  19. bllueace

    That is crazy, I was excited for this one as well

  20. No_Room4359

    Since when is a 2070 like a 4060 and is like 6700 xt each one is more powerful than the other bruh

  21. AlkalineBrush20

    1080p 60 native should be the bare fking minimum without any frame gen or upscaling. They don’t even bother making games that run good anymore.

  22. FaZeSmasH

    I think this game probably has the same CPU issues that dragons dogma has, even x3d cpus couldn’t brute force through it, they couldn’t figure out a solution so they are using frame gen to mask it.

    Don’t get this game people, this isn’t the intended use of frame gen, you will have a bad experience on this, especially without 4000 series cards.

  23. MidianDirenni

    I have a 3070 laptop GPU, max+p. Where do I fit in this shit.

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