
Just some normal and not at all insecure or whiny comments from Suckerpunch’s Ghost of Yotei Instagram announcement

Just some normal and not at all insecure or whiny comments from Suckerpunch’s Ghost of Yotei Instagram announcement


  1. WildSearcher56

    It’s common these days, unless the protagonist looks like Eve from Stellar Blade or is goon bait

  2. HumanTheTree

    Personally, I hoped we’d be playing as a raccoon.

  3. Bootychomper23

    There is a new ghost game? Nice!

    That said I remember when battlefield 5 put a women in the promo trailer abeit one who was also missing limbs and using prosthetics…and the internet had a shit storm. Most agreed then it was a dumb move and felt like it was pandering for no reason… didn’t help that the lead went on some story about his 7 year old daughter needing hero’s? So I can see where people may be coming from on a historical level and how it may be shoe horned in. But personally i don’t really care and just look forward to swing how they build off the last game.

  4. funkisintheair

    i also wish they kept on milking Jin’s complete and satisfying story and never told a new one

  5. BevarseeKudka

    Look at this way. I don’t care. And I’d like to believe, like me, many others don’t care either.

    So Johnny, Sonny, Farooq and Mr.Graduate Hat Timmy can suck each other off.

  6. Blacksad9999

    I figured that they wouldn’t continue the story of Jin if they made a sequel, as they pretty much tied up the story with the endings.

    I don’t get their point. Jin Sakai was a made up character, so it’s not like they’re doing anything different in that regard.

  7. Tell me you’ve never talked to a girl without telling me you’ve never talked to a girl.

  8. SercerferTheUntamed

    “Gamers”. Truly the most oppressed group in history.

  9. Aur0raAustralis

    If it wasn’t for posts like this, I would have no idea that people had an issue with this kinda thing

  10. Ancient_Natural1573

    Jin story was complete I for one am excited for this one

  11. Ambitious_Dig_7109

    I fucking knew it as soon as I saw the trailer. The crying was going to start. Losers.

  12. fordprefect294

    “You’re only making them protagonists 10% of the time because they’re half the population, nobody even wants this”. Miserable shits

  13. Crazykiddingme

    >Why women

    He said in two words what they put into paragraphs.

  14. No-Pollution1149

    The gaming community in a nutshell. Truly idiotic man-children who enjoy whining more than actual games…

  15. InviteFar2261

    “Unknown woman”

    Yes. We all knew of this samurai from Japan called “Jin Sakai” long before the game came out.

  16. powerhcm8

    “Wish you guys continued with the jin instead of some unknown woman”

    He says like Jin already was an established character when Ghost of Tsushima was released.

  17. kawaiineko333

    People really cannot math. After looking it up from the trailer’s date and Tsushima’s timeline, it’s a 300+ year difference. It’s like playing a game about George Washington and now being big mad you’re playing George Jetson instead.

  18. thisismydppacct

    These people are the very same type people that played WoW and made female characters so they’d have a nicer ass to stare at.

    As a woman, I say unto them “get fucked by a chainsaw”.

  19. BradleyAllan23

    I don’t understand why people care. I prefer playing as a man, and if I’m given a choice, I will. If the only protagonist is a woman, that’s totally fine. Just make her a good character with a good story.

  20. I like to imagine these kinds of dipshits playing the original metroid for the first time, and then when they get to the end of the game they wail in agony as it is revealed to them that THEY WERE PLAYING AS A WOMAN THE ENTIRE TIME

  21. Hanyabull

    A lot of people are missing the reason why there is this kind of response.

    The majority of gamers are male, and one of the things many players do, for story driven games, is to view themselves as the protagonist.

    By making the lead female, you effectively remove this player-protagonist association for a lot of male players, as I would guess most of the target demographic doesn’t want to put themselves in the role of a female, and all it becomes is a game.

    Lots of men make women characters, so playing female characters isn’t unusual, but Ghosts of Yotei is presumably as story driven as the first Ghost game, and a lot of players identified with Jin.

    But let’s also not forget, in gaming, loud, obnoxious crying and complaining gets things changed, so there is also that.

  22. Reach-Nirvana

    I’m absolutely stoked. I couldn’t care less what the gender of the protagonist is. If it’s as well written as the first, and the gameplay is just as good, I’m going to love it.

  23. Less_Leather3641

    Funny, I’m straight a dude, married, just boring old normal guy. I always play as women if given the choice. Women are fucking rad. That’s why I married one.

  24. Few-Year-4917

    These are probably the same people using Stellar Blade to attack the “wokes”

  25. Comrade_Tone

    They’ve never touched a woman so you gotta understand it’s hard for them to put themselves in the shoes of one

  26. CoolDaddio54

    From what I remember Ghost of Tsushima tied up Jin’s story fairly nicely, or at least had a satisfying conclusion to his character arc. While I wasn’t exactly expecting an entirely different sequel, I’m optimistic and looking forward to what story they tell with this one and how differently, or not, they approach it. I think it’ll be interesting to see a woman’s perspective of 17th century Japan and presumably Mongol occupation. We got a little taste of it with Yuna in the first game who I enjoyed. Some people really just hate women for no reason huh

  27. Fit_Rice_3485

    Sucker punch explained why they did that and they absolutely nailed it.

    Their focusing on the character of the “ghost” than Jin Sakai.

    And about playing as women. I seem to remember lara croft being created in the 90s and she’s up there with the likes of solid snake, Master chief and kratos when it comes to how iconic she is.

  28. Pandabeur

    the contrast in perspective toward female characters between triple A games and gacha games is so interesting

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