
In AC Origins there are decorative cobra friezes at the Saqqara Pyramid. I was really stunned when I visited Saqqara IRL to discover the devs immaculately recreated them exactly. This is such a small detail that a very minor % gamers would even notice but I love how they got it exactly right.

In AC Origins there are decorative cobra friezes at the Saqqara Pyramid. I was really stunned when I visited Saqqara IRL to discover the devs immaculately recreated them exactly. This is such a small detail that a very minor % gamers would even notice but I love how they got it exactly right.


  1. frice2000

    Pretty much the only reason I still buy Assassin’s Creed games is to stare at the immaculately detailed and beautiful architecture that they deliver with each installment. Can say a lot about how the games are much worse now but in the architecture and detail aspect damn if they don’t deliver.

  2. Noo, they don’t have their lil roof anymore :c

  3. curiously_curious3

    You realize they travel to these locations and take shit tons of photos right?

  4. AC Origins to me is the best entertainment media to represented Egypt to this day. They hire one of the best mapmakers of ancient cities to make the cities in the game.

  5. puzzleheadbutbig

    As a history nerd myself, the attention to detail in Assassin’s Creed Origins and Odyssey really amazed me when I first picked up both of these. But I don’t think we will see something like that in AC: Shadows because of the decisions they made after whatever the fuck they were snorting.

  6. Endlesswinter98

    Say what you want about ubi (I actually like alot of their games) but the one thing you can’t say is they don’t pay attention to the details. They’ve always been that way

  7. kazmosis

    I mean that kinda has always been the hallmark of AC games with their locations (particularly the cities). They go into meticulous detail with the layout, location and architecture of landmarks and streets as our current knowledge of the particular era allows. Damascus, Florence, Rome, Constantinople, Paris etc etc

    AC Origins was something else though. It was so faithful, they even put out a free exploring mode thing that gets used by Egyptologists to give people a better idea of what the world actually might have looked like back then

  8. Kevin69138

    but you didn’t visit Egypt until after playing the game?

    so when you played the game you probably ignored it?

    How did you remmeber or did you come back to the game after seeing it in real life?

    cool detail I am just wondering.

  9. No-Plankton4841

    Ubisoft gets a lot of shit but their world building tools are pretty impressive.

    Odyssey and Valhalla are packed with small details too. The best part about those games is the world.

  10. MonsterEnergyTPN

    For all of Ubisoft’s flaws – the amount of research and detail they put into the AC franchise is insane. I could spend hours just walking around aimlessly exploring.

  11. rayshmayshmay

    Ok fine, I’ll boot it up again tonight 🙂

  12. wolf_logic

    It’s so immersive that’s why it’s so fucking weird when you randomly encounter the main villain of final fantasy 15.

    Yes this actually happens.

  13. Lunndonbridge

    I’m debating whether to play this or frostpunk next. Have both downloaded right now.

  14. Origins and Black Flag, the golden era of AC.

  15. hendergle

    Ubisoft paid Egypt a HUGE amount of money to put those cobras on that monument.

    That level of attention to detail is rare these days.

  16. neosketo

    If the games weren’t coming out every second, people would notice

  17. BadPlan666

    That’s cool, really love that kind of attention to detail

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