Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of duty is the only game that forces you out of the game when steam restarts their servers. No other game does this. Devs at activision have this in place on purpose to force people to use their prefered platform Battlenet. As it gives more percentage on sales.

Call of duty is the only game that forces you out of the game when steam restarts their servers. No other game does this. Devs at activision have this in place on purpose to force people to use their prefered platform Battlenet. As it gives more percentage on sales.


  1. Yeah I think you need to take your tin foil hat off

  2. LeonardMH

    That’s uh, straight up not true. I don’t play many multiplayer games through Steam, but the only other one I have played recently (Helldivers) also kicked you off when Steam goes down.

    There’s not some grand conspiracy here, if you’re playing on Steam the game needs a connection to Steam; If you’re playing on Battlenet the game needs a connection to Battlenet. I’ve also been kicked out of a game because of Battlenet going down.

  3. DeLaOmnipotent

    No, the real reason this happens is Activision developers are a bunch of amateurs and diversity hires that can’t be bothered nor now how to fix this.

  4. No_Difficulty647

    While I agree activision sucks, I don’t think you’re right about that. I’ve never had issues with Steam restarting their servers

  5. Spengatron

    I mean that’s straight up bullshit I’ve been playing cs for years and every Tuesday night the game will kick you for steam maintenance

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