BLAST response regarding the emergency substitution used by Astralis at the Fall Final

BLAST response regarding the emergency substitution used by Astralis at the Fall Final


  1. lou_reed_ketamine

    > Regarding the emergency substitution used by Astralis at the Fall Final:

    >BLAST’s policy has always allowed such substitutions for health-related reasons that are beyond a team’s control when no other eligible player has been registered.

    > As of the 2024 Fall Final, BLAST’s rulebook does not bind a team regarding who they appoint as their emergency substitute. From 2025, we will look into ensuring our rulebook is more aligned to the Majors and the parameters of emergency substitutes are better clarified.

    > Per our rulebook, any use of an emergency substitution results in a 25% deduction of prize money and a seeding penalty. This will be the case for the 2024 Fall Final.

    > In the past we have denied emergency substitutions when the root cause is visa issues. Per our rulebook, visas are typically the responsibility of the teams and are not considered valid grounds for emergency substitutes in the vast majority of cases.

    > When it comes to player health, we take team statements at face value. As a general rule, if these statements were subsequently proved to be false, we reserve the right to impose severe sanctions such as denying World Final qualification and/or additional prize pool penalties.

    > In this 2024 Fall Final case, we have been given no reason to question Astralis’ original statement to us and the decision to allow them to use an emergency substitute stands.


  2. Vitosi4ek

    To an extent I understand that if a team comes to you saying that their player is ill and they lined up a replacement, responding “prove it” is pretty tasteless. Medical issues are a private matter usually.

    But I’d argue the unique circumstances around this specific situation (Astralis’ reputation for ruthless politicking, br0’s agent claiming he’s fine etc.) are muddy enough to make an exception and verify whether the team is lying to you. Sometimes a judgment call needs to be made.

  3. ChaoticFlameZz

    of fucking course. Actual mafia shit from BLAST and Astralis.

  4. DiWindwaker

    What an absolutely pathetic and spineless decision.

    I wish all the teams withdraw from the event.

    What a fucking disgrace.

  5. svenskdjaevel

    >we have been given no reason to question Astralis’ original statement to us…

    Lmao what

  6. GrandSlam4201

    ~~Astralis~~ Blast PR team strikes again.

  7. XvS_W4rri0r

    Fuck Blast. I really hope something happens after this blatantly corrupt decision

  8. TheCrazyCaveira

    If we don’t check the validity of Astralis’s claim about bro being sick we will never have to find whether bro was actually sick or not and thus we will never have to check the validity of Astralis’s statement!
    Take that CS community!!


  9. timus654

    I can wrap my mind about statements 1-4.

    5 and 6 however…

  10. depressedmeme8

    Br0’s agent literally said he’s fine. Can this industry stop defending this dog shit org called Astralis and just focus on integrity over drama

  11. Might aswell give them the fucking trophy without playing, scum organization.

  12. Good luck to Blast competing against other TO’s starting next year 👍

  13. StoneOrb

    Br0’s agent literally said he is not sick. Is that not reason enough?

  14. DeadyThePanda

    Posted in the other thread, but I’ll repost it here

    Why is it so hard for Blast to just refuse to let Cadian play and require Ruggah to play instead? There is a clear precedent you yourself have set. You don’t have to force br0 to play with people that clearly don’t want him around, and can still claim “we are taking the claim he is unhealthy at face value.” Then, you just make Ruggah, who showed up to media today, play. He’s healthy enough for media but not healthy enough to compete?

  15. Man what a coincidence, coach and br0 are ill at the same time but somehow the coach manages to be there for media?

    I don’t see a reason to question Astralis either, sounds good!! Especially with such a standout org that hasn’t done anything shady in the past, w0wzers!

  16. DuckSwagington

    I can’t fucking WAIT for Astralis to get grouped.

  17. The worst part about all this is that Br0 is probably sitting at home stressed as fuck about all of this knowing that he’s effectively being forced to lie because he probably signed an NDA. He’s just another up and coming kid who has a potentially bright future that is being tarnished and thrown to the wayside by astralis.

    Astralis is such a scummy org, I have no idea how anyone in Denmark has trust or love for them. They lucked out into having the greatest team of all time play for them, now they’re just pieces of shit and mediocre at the game.

  18. can_i_change_it_l8r

    I am not going to watch this tournament as it became joke atm

  19. Dracko705

    Sadly this is one of those cases where you learn how rules are allowed to be made/enforced

    Just because it seems blatantly like Astralis is breaking the rules doesn’t mean you can hold them to it. Since there is nothing explicitly in the rulebook to point to and show what rule was broken Blast’s hands are kinda tied

    Just another note in the Astralis/Cadian/Heroic cheating story I guess

  20. TheOvieShow

    All well and good except for:

    1. Ruggah is available and a registered sub afaik
    2. They have been given A reason (bro’s agent’s comment) to doubt the statement. Whether that reason is good enough isn’t even in question here.

  21. AggressiveAssist3557

    Cannot wait for vitality v astralis and the apex shittalking lol

  22. RickkyyBobby

    Fuck man, i need a sick note if im out of WORK for a day, how the shit do tournaments need one, if a player is sick?

  23. QuickiexD77

    It’s getting very hard to be an Astralis fan the more time goes on. Fuck me man, and if they end up somehow winning this event the situation is just gonna be worse

  24. Ok-Second8214

    Would be funny if teams decided not to play the matches, since Vita vs Astralis Is on program later, thus maybe forcing blast to do something about this situation other then throwing the ball back to Astralis.

  25. Raiden_RJ

    Such horseshit. let ruggah play. new lineup and we havent exxactly been stellar anyway so dont see any expectations to win this. just not worth the hassle at all. and after the legendary lineup, even fucking dev1ce needed time off for burnout/mental health – abusing these rules is so scummy and short sighted. this org makes it hard to be a fan.

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