
Anyone who can help me me a lik with my room?

Hey everyone! I could use some help with organizing and decorating my room. I’m a gamer and streamer, and I want to set up my space in a way that’s both functional and aesthetically pleasing. I’m not sure where to place my gaming setup, bed, and other furniture to make the most out of the space. I’d also love suggestions for cool decor ideas, lighting setups, or even storage solutions that will help keep everything tidy while making the room look awesome.

Also, the front wall has a little seepage issue—it’s not wet, but the paint is a bit bubbly. Any ideas on how to deal with that too? Any tips or ideas would be super helpful!

by Billlihihi


  1. BathtubToasterParty

    Water inside a room cannot be fixed from inside the room.

    Find the source of the water, and fix it there. Whether that’s the roof or a bathroom or whatever.

  2. 6KaijuCrab9

    Tbh I like the layout you have now. That’s exactly how I’d set up in that space.

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