Is it normal to get 10 years band for killing 3 of my team by accident

My team mate got knocked and the other 2 try to heal him i was trying to throw a smoke grand and i accidentally pressed on Molotov and throw it and all 3 got killed and i get this. Can i so anything about it or just my account i gone now



    I don’t think it’s normal at all.They would just lessen the merit if you kill a teammate only if the teammate taps a button that appears on the screen when you kill them but still its only merit reduction I got no Idea why they banned and 10 years out of all.

  2. tahir402

    It’s not normal. They only deduct merits for that. What it says there in arabic?

  3. artificial_stupid_74

    There are certainly other things

  4. drevmbrevker

    So i can make a team of 3 trololos and ban for 10 years any random 4th teammate just by running into their molotov. Ok anyone wanna team up?

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