[COD] getting this message

Um trying to play and this message is showing up, I was trying to play purgatory. Game is up todate and game files have been verified. Anyine know what ot means thanks

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  1. I had problems with my Game for about 3 months from june to august… One of the errors was this one but besides that the game was, crashing, frame lagging and impossible to play.
    After asking help (im from xbox) to Microsoft and Activision no one could help me…they told me to delete the game and install it again which I’ve done 3 times
    At the end i had to reset all my xbox (not hard resetting it by unplugging the xbox to the power) , i went on setting and i have to reset it
    Eventually now it works fine.. i don’t know where you play but if you are on xbox try to delete the game and all the other steps before resetting it
    (Sorry English is not my first language)

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