4090 vs Brain

Just put your brain into the PCIE Slot


  1. ZenZennia

    100 TFLOPS???
    My brain has only two flops so that it can flip flop around. Where did the rest of them go?

  2. Muxiphobia

    The wattage is fucking weak. How do we over volt the brain?

  3. GlowDonk9054

    I think mine is 4gb of RAM because I may be stupid

  4. FermentedKneecap

    My brain probably wouldn’t be of much use outside of a display adapter … Got that GT710 squish in my noggin

  5. endless_8888

    PCMR users will still undervolt their brains

  6. KairoIshijima

    And that my friends is why I run my games on Brains.

    Unfortunately, the country I live in has very poor quality brains.

  7. Mnoonsnocket

    It’s hard to say how many “transistors” are in the brain because there are ion channels that transmit information outside of the actual synapse. So we’re probably still smarter!

  8. Apprehensive-Ad4063

    Wrecked. Can’t beat that RAM though

  9. Xcissors280

    massive 100lbs+ liquid cooling sytem and no DP ill pass

  10. chwastox

    I’m looking at me right now and I think my brain is rather an Intel integrated gpu than any of rtx version.

  11. GoatInferno

    BRAIN also has super weird firmware that randomly reprioritises tasks, also the RAM is glitchy AF and data gets corrupted all the time.

  12. F0R3S7c0y073

    That efficiency on my skull noodle is of the CHARTS

  13. Le_DumAss

    My brain compares better to a graphic calculator

  14. KupoNut77777

    Brain got that csf for liquid cooling. Got so much head room for OCing.

  15. AdEfficient9794

    I hate that it even got that close tbh

  16. zinxyzcool

    So somebody lowered my draw distance and turned up depth of field all the way up to max, fuck.

  17. brain is open source and dont hug dlss on its own hardware

  18. FlutterKree

    20 watts, powered by sugar. 4090 powered mostly by hot black rock.

  19. fairlyaveragetrader

    Let me know when someone figures out how to make one of those robobrains from fallout 😂

  20. Global-Pickle5818

    My brain is running MS DOS it doesn’t have spellchecker and has a real problem with languages

  21. Robbthesleepy


    Brain – must enter sleep mode for 6 to 8 hours a night to preform efficiently.

    4090 – can run for months upon months as long as powered and adequately cooled.

  22. I think if we could really convert to TFLOPS the brain would have a lot more compute power than 100 Tflops but yeah it’s really efficient.

  23. Stunning-Astronaut72

    I would need few brains for my current 3d render that keep crashing for 2 weeks 😭😭😭

  24. You can create your own brain for free (though it will take ~25 years before it’s fully capable)

  25. deftoast

    Who would win?
    One wrinkly boy or one black rectangle?

  26. TheVisceralCanvas

    This is such a dumb comparison. You cannot equate human brain function to PC hardware.

  27. I have an orange cat brain. All I know is 0 or 1. One at a time.

  28. Denied_Access_

    Intel is better than amd tho. Israel and black rock contribute to boycott the blue because it rose too fast, too much.

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