Call of Duty: Zombies

Today marks 5 years since Tag der Toten released. The final Aether map.

The map's Main Quest was subsequently solved a day later.
‘‘But for all the pain and torment we have endured together. As we leave this life behind, it is my hope that you know one thing beyond any doubt. You were more than just my allies. My brothers in arms. You were my friends.’’ —Nikolai Belinski


  1. Complete_Resolve_400

    I really wish they had better cutscenes and not the comic style one, despite that, I still loved the ending cutscene

  2. CuzBenji

    Ahhhh tag der toten. One of the worst maps I’ve ever played, and a disgusting and terrible remaster of call of the dead, staining its legacy.

    But it’s still better than any map that came after it.

  3. ZMiltonS

    2 comments where one says this is one of the worst maps and a disgusting and terrible stain on the legacy of the original and another saying that they loved it and it’s super underrated. Never change cod zombies community.

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