If anyone hoping for something big in CS2’s first year anniversary. I remind you in the 25th Counter strike anniversary the max we got a was a post.

They could do the bare minimum add the 15-20 year veteran coins that day . We didn't even get it.

I am just hoping for another Twitter post in first year anniversary of CS2 and nothing. My expectations has reached rock bottom..


  1. Cyph3r010

    More funny, is that HALF-Life got a bigger update for it’s anniversary than Counter-Strike, along side that video.

    Half-Life goated tho.

  2. Aggressive_Row_2799

    As we all know 1 year anniversary of cs2 gonna look like this

  3. When will you realize that Valve doesn’t give a shit as long as they don’t need to give a shit?

    Seeing all these 900 hour kids run around with $9000 skin inventories in matchmaking it’s obvious that Valve makes fucktons of money with this game still, so why would they start to believe they need to make changes?

  4. “Best I can do is sand dune skins for weapons in Deadlock”
    Valve, 2024

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