
There’s two types of news in Frostpunk 2: bad news, and good news that you slowly realize is actually bad news

There’s two types of news in Frostpunk 2: bad news, and good news that you slowly realize is actually bad news


  1. Ah, so more of the same bleak winter atmosphere with no hope. Exactly why I enjoyed Frostpunk.

  2. HateToBlastYa

    Game seems heavily marketed toward me on Steam.  Is it good?  Looks like a grim dark Civilization.

  3. VincentGrinn

    oh the article meant news ingame, not news about the game

    it does have a few issues though but overall its great
    probably too easy tbh even on captain difficulty

  4. 131sean131

    I would like the news that improves proformance. Idk about y’all but it starts to chug in chapter 2.

  5. lillildipsy

    Frostpunk 2 is probably my pick for GOTY. I was waiting for it for almost four years, before it was even announced, and it exceeded my expectations. Would definitely recommend

  6. I heard the atmosphere and immersion are worse than the first frostpunk because it’s too heavily macro based. Can someone confirm that?

  7. xboxhobo

    I finished the story last night. Very good game, definitely much more doable on the easy difficulty they recommend compared to my experiences crashing and burning several times in the first game. That said I did basically embrace the Nazis and said “fuck that” to building a new city for my detractors and just stuck them in prison and told them to take a hike.

  8. BlackandRead

    For those interested in getting it, remember it’s on Gamepass for PC

  9. Grizzlysol

    So frost punk is just like real life then.

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