Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The Devs Collab for Noob and Hacker Gameplay with no Immersive Game.

Get using aim assist in low and mid-level play its understable, but using it in high-level play? Honestly, that’s why the eSports scene for this game isn’t growing.

Absolutely, it makes sense. It can hinder competitive integrity at higher levels.

It's really unpleasant to watch games played on controllers with that.

Honestly, it does seem ridiculous. It creates a fake gameplay experience and can drive people away from watching.

Put off this 6 Assist:

  1. Lock AIM: Automatically focuses on the nearest target. ( Always the aim crosshair in midle of screen/ always hits on chest )

  2. Directional Aim Assist: Adjusts the aim based on the player’s movement direction.

  3. Sticky Targeting: Keeps the aim locked onto a target even when the player moves.
    THE AIM sticks like chewing gum. ( Specially on Controller )

  4. Aim Assist Precision: Improves shot accuracy as the aim gets closer to a target. ( Specially for controllers )

  5. DeadZone Line: Defines an area where the aim does not adjust to avoid minor corrections.

  6. Aim snapping: The type of aim assist that makes the aim return automatically to the starting point, even when off target, can be called "aim snapping" or "snap aim." This creates an artificial feel and can affect the perception of skill in the game.

The game has incredible potential with its great features like collabs and physics, yet it’s being undermined by random excuses for beginners that have crept into high levels. This has stripped away the immersion we all crave.

What dominates the conversation online are phrases like "remove recoil" and "make your aim stick to the enemy," creating a toxic environment. These scripts not only ruin fair play but can also be enhanced behind the scenes.

It's baffling that Activision hasn’t taken the necessary steps to encrypt these files and password-protect the folder. These files are essentially the breeding ground for hackers.

We deserve better than a game that feels compromised by aim assists. Let’s demand a fairer, more authentic gaming experience!

Note: And this won't negatively affect casual players, beginners, or those in very low to mid-level ranks ( Only High Rank ). It’s about preserving a fair experience for everyone while allowing skill development.


  1. QuestionadorPersonal

    Note2: Not to mention, this harms the growth of eSports. There are streamers and YouTubers profiting from the game while exploiting these features aimed at beginners, which is just ridiculous.

  2. FreeKill408

    What the fuck is this schizopost OP, you really had to post this shit in each cod sub?

    If you want skill expression play counter strike, no aim assist there. Outside of that play wagers on third party sites that are exclusive without aim assist.

    Also you took a mobile game screenshot and are complaining about skill and aim assist LMAO

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