No display after OC, and after bios reset.

Config: https://valid.x86.fr/jugiv6 

Used 4×16 Gb for a few days. Today i got a hard shutdown while browsing net. I took down 2 rams out of 4 so i could boot again. I did some overclocking, 3600 to 3800, and it won't boot anymore. I did bios reset, by jumper, i did, try 1 stick of ram, tried another stick, tried two at a time, tried one at a time in each slot, but no display.

Right now i'M so disappointed i walked away from the thing.

1 Comment

  1. 4x Dual Ranked 16 GB sticks is already hard on the IMC, and the 2 different kits that you seem to be using makes thing even worse. Make sure to get all you RAM from the same lineup, don’t mix them.

    That being said, it *should* boot up fine after a (correct) CMOS clear and with only one of the kits installed.
    Try to clear the CMOS again, making sure to do it correctly (unplug the computer from the wall, short the pins for 10-20 seconds). Check if your board has debug LEDs that could point you in the right direction, or maybe even a “true” LED with POST codes.
    Besides that, there’s not much to say without having physical access to the machine.

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