Call of Duty: Zombies

All KN44 Wall Buys from SOE-Rev have a hidden connection.

I noticed that throughout the DLC cycle, each KN44 wall buy has blood located near the wall buy, except for The Giant and the Verruckt Revelations location. Of course The Giant's location has the wall code, but what about the Verrukt location in Revelations?

Also, it could be analysed that the blood found in each of these locations has a hidden meaning. Maybe the blood in each location hints at Dempsey holding the KN44 instead of the KN57 in Blood of the Dead, so maybe Blood of the Dead is more important to this easter egg than initially thought?

This is probably just me thinking too outside the box but considering that SOE has connections to Mob of the Dead through the various voice quotes referencing Mob, as well as the interesting link between blood and the locations of the KN44's wall buys on almost each map, perhaps the Weasel/Albert Arlington has something to do with this easter egg in some way, considering that Demspey holds the KN44 in the Blood of the Dead poster. Again, this mini theory is just a hunch, not anything concrete.

You could also interpret the locations themselves in relation to the wall buy: SOE has the gun on a closed ticket stall with advertising all over it. The Giant has the gun located next to a teleporter. DE has the gun located next to an open jail cell with a blood trail off to the side. ZNS has the gun located in front of the AA turret with vegetation and a small amount of blood on the wall. Gorod Krovi has the gun located in a destroyed research area with a giant pool of blood off to the side. And finally Revelations has 2 locations: the first is next to a hook with blood splattered on the ground, and the other is in a section of an insane asylum with testing chambers beside it.

If I missed a location, please post it in the comments.

1 Comment

  1. Parking-Ad1302

    Can you give a run down of why the kn44 is just showing up randomly in my feed lol what did I miss?

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