Please stop doing this.

Please stop doing this.


  1. ChamberofSnej

    Coming to Reddit looking for help in the first place is asking for trouble. I learned this the hard way when asking questions in mechanic subs

  2. Sometimes, an issue with windows can’t be fixed. In that case, the only real option is to go to linux. It could also he significantly more effort to fix something in windows than it would be to simply download and dual-boot linux

  3. John_Doe_MCMXC

    I treat Linux users like I do Jehovah’s Witnesses and telemarketers -I simply tune them out.

  4. Atrocious1337

    Have you considered that maybe the problem IS Windows, and that is why they are suggesting:

    Try Linux

  5. blenderbender44

    [post about problem on linux]

    “Have you tried Windows?”

  6. CicadaGames

    “Hmm, what do I want, Vanilla or Chocolate?”

    *Linux user smashes through the window of the ice cream shop, covered in blood but completely unperturbed*: “LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT, DON’T EAT EITHER OF THOSE GARBAGE FLAVORS AND EAT THIS FRUIT ROLL UP FROM MY POCKET YOU BITCH!!”

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