
New Report Says Sony’s ‘Concord’ Cost $400 Million To Make

New Report Says Sony’s ‘Concord’ Cost $400 Million To Make


  1. I-Lyke-Shicken

    $400 million? That’s just insane. Maybe it’s an exaggerated number?

  2. Sharktoothdecay

    And with that refund that’s a 400 million dollar loss

  3. Portskerra

    Del Walker (Rocksteady, Respawn, Naughty Dog, & BAFTA Committee rep) says the $400m number is not believable. Tom Henderson said to take the number “with a pinch of salt”, and reporter Ethan Gach says bluntly the figure is incorrect.

    It would be one of the most expensive games in history. More than Spider-Man, TLoU2, GTA, and both Horizon games.

    The figure was first rumoured to be $150m. Then it increased to $200. That was quickly replaced with $300, and yesterday it climbed to $400.

  4. Doesn’t sound accurate. That’s about $100 million more than Spider Man 2. I’m not sure where the money went if that’s the case, because it certainly didn’t go into the gameplay part.

    They also barely marketed it, and you would think a game with a budget like that would get a big marketing push.

  5. Pavillian

    Question. Is talking about something on your podcast a report?

  6. There’s just no way. The studio didn’t exist for long enough to make that number even make sense. The game got little marketing so that wasn’t where the money went.

  7. MongolianMango

    For reference, Genshin Impact’s initial development cost around 100 million and 200 million to maintain. 

    There’s no way this is correct… 

  8. Stellar blade was $50 mill

    Wukong was $70 mill

    Hell divers was $50-$100 mill with an rough 8 year development time

  9. WheySoldier

    Report: A sentence in a podcast, by someone who’s “heard things from a source”.

    Great job getting those clicks, Forbes.

  10. MrGravityMan

    You didn’t watch the clip…. Sony paid for 18 months of contractors …… that’s huge huge money. Hence why it cost so much.

  11. Surveyorman

    Actually it cost Sony $800 million.

    Source: trust me bro

  12. thats1evildude

    This figure seems dubious, but I do know it cost a bunch of developers several years of their limited time on this Earth.

  13. LapsedVerneGagKnee

    That’s a bigger budget than Avengers Endgame. Just….how?

  14. lce_Fight

    Logically this isn’t adding up…is this money laundering?

  15. lunchbox_inc

    Not a real report, just something that Colin Moriarty said on a podcast and then outlets picked up. Why aren’t they corroborating the details? Could gaming “journalism” just be in the tank? (Yes)

    Their lifetime existence probably adds up to about 400 million spent but Sony did not buy them for 400 million nor did covering that studio for a year cost 400 million. Dear god…why do these podcasters just use their brain. If Insomniac took 5 years to release Spider-Man 2 and that cost $300 million, in no universe did Concord cost $400 million.

  16. Iggy_Slayer

    This is beyond stupid. The number that gets thrown around goes up by 50-100m every week.

    A MP shooter with a handful of maps did not cost double what the last of us 2 did. It did not cost 100m more than spiderman 2 did (with the disney fee included).

    Don’t believe such obvious BS being spread by people who probably have an agenda, as the source seems to be colin moriarty who is a far right gaming personality and Concord has been THE game for them to focus on this year.

    (none of this is a defense for concord the game is trash, just saying this report is insane BS)

  17. MagmaAscending

    There’s already so much misinformation about this game that can be easily debunked (i.e. no, the game was not in development for 8 years. Firewalk didn’t even exist until 2018) so I’m taking this with a grain of salt until official reports or corroborations come out

  18. Nova-gunner

    You can spread any fake rumor about this game, and Redditors will upvote it.

  19. pahamack

    Do people actually believe this game is dead?

    It’s going to be retooled into a f2p game for sure.

  20. Within 6 months we’ll finally learn the truth. It really took the equivalent of the entire US GDP.

  21. Midnight7000

    I wonder how much of this is inflated so that it can be used as a tax write off.

    400 million sounds ridiculous.

  22. OgSourChemDawg

    People are really using Colin Moriarity as final proof? lol what

  23. Fire_is_beauty

    Bad games failing is a good thing for the game industry.

    Now, they just have to learn from it but that’s the hard part.

  24. arhollowx

    Highly doubt the game cost 400 million to make. TLoU 2 didn’t even cost that much and it blows Concord in every department. This is just misinformation and rumors going around.

  25. Broseph_Bobby

    Sony could basically print money by releasing Bloodborne on PC but they chose to burn money instead.

  26. a_man_has_a_name

    What are you all talking about? This game cost $1 billion to make, the source is me.

    Do I get an article now?

  27. msdtflip

    400 million makes zero sense for this game even if it is a colossal failure. Imaginary numbers don’t do anything. Next week an idiot will say it was a billion dollar failure.

  28. snorlaxatives_69

    And if my mom had wheels, she’d be a bike. Simply not believable.

  29. JohnDubyaUK

    And that’s why we have a £700 PlayStation.

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