Counter Strike 2 is a failure (kind of)

Counter Strike 2 is a failure (kind of)


  1. Mayergaming

    I agree with him on basically every point, the launch was mostly disappointing and killed the hype fast.

    Not due to issues, but because it was missing a lot of content that CSGO did have.
    Following this, the amount of cheaters also played a big part in the game feeling worse than CSGO.

    So this makes the silence and slow/almost stagnant development for CS2 even more painful.
    They do not care for the community making them the most money.
    The community with one of the biggest esports scene.
    The communty that has toxic outliers, but where the core part is just so fogiving about almost everything.

    Looking at this subreddit and mods deleting/downvoting almost every negative post about the game…

  2. Crazy to see that out of 13 minutes of video, only one minute is for the good things

  3. Powerful_Page4497

    Dont delete this mods, houngoungagne has contributed a lot to this community. His opinion matters

  4. CommanderBly

    Hope this stays up. Love the game but it really feels abandoned

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