Tips and Tricks for Veil of Taego: Survivors Left Behind

I love this mode and haven’t found a Tips and Tricks post here on reddit. So i wrote one myself. If you have something to ad or disagree please tell me.
I already loved to play this mode last year and cleared all stages. If you wanna see a playthrough i posted a playlist on youtube

Here are my Tips for you to beat the Hunger:
– Containers with vending machines usually are saferooms (maybe there are exception?). Hungers won’t come inside. But you can’t kill hungers from inside either. You have to walk out the room/container. If you just damage a hunger and go back in he will regain his HP. So kill it before going back.
– While shooting: Go backwards through parts of he level you already cleared. If you run in a corner you will likely die. If you run in new parts of he level even more Hungers will spawn and you will likely die. Use as much of he cleared level as you need. Maybe go back to a part where you can jump through a window or run in a saveroom and be save to heal and reload.
– Best move ist to go backwards while headshooting zombies that moving to you in a straight line.
– Don’t block your teammates way back. They can’t shoot forward and look back at the same time.
– Don’t move in front of your teammate when he is shooting. Friendly fire is off but it’s a waste of all the bullets you are stopping.
– Blocking on stairs, in doorways or in front of windows can kill the whole team. Watch out!
– Use windows: Hungers can’t come through windows. You can shoot them from outside/inside without fear. Sometimes a punch bugs through but that is no problem as long as you are not the last survivor and get knocked/killed by the punch.
– You can knock a Hunger down when shooting with a shotgun
– Use doorways and stairs to your advantage: Hungers can not pass another hunger that is knocked down in a dorway or on the tight stairways. Be smart: Don’t kill the knocked one. Instead use him to block the path to shoot the others, to heal or to reload.
– Upgrade your weapons. You need gunpowder and some ammo to upgrade. Press "0" if you need to know how much.
– Use single shot: For example the O12 has 30 rounds in a mag. You can use them to kill 2-3 Hungers in automatic mode or you can single shoot an kill 5-15 zombies or even more if you line them up and only aim for the head.
Single shot helps you to need less reloading = less time vulnerable and more time to kill
– Aim for he head: Headshots make much more damage and use a lot less bullets to kill
Headshots help to need less reloading = less time vulnerable and more time to kill
– Try not to reload every other shot. Everytime you reload you become vulnerable
– If you get surprised while reloading: Change your wepon
– Try to reload when your teammates are shooting. And shoot while they are reloading. Not reload all at ones.
– For clearing a level you have the chance to get a permanent weapon or west/helmet. You can see what you maybe will get in the startscreen were your team is voting for the level to be played. There is another post where all rewards are listed
– Share the weapons from the wending machine. Especially if you have a permanent weapon (reward for completing a level) already. Use it (at least) in the beginning so nobody needs to play pistol only.
– You can’t share/drop a permanent weapon. So don’t blame somebody for having multiple good permanent weapons. He can’t share!
– If you have a permanent Level2 West or a permanent helmet: You have to put on the item every round. Don’t forget it.
– Killed players can be revived. Take the blue chip and go to a room with a vending machine. Mostly there is also a machine to use the blue chip. Revives are not endless. The machine tells you how many are left.
– Give ammo to revived players. They will start with 4(!) bullets. So they can’t really help you in the last parts of a zone.
– Help revived players with food. They start with the hunger bar on Zero. If they have no food help them out.
– Idea for ammo i have not confirmed yet: If you know you will get killed you may be able to drop ammo from the inventory to pick it up after the revive?
– If you can’t find the next step on the way to finish a level: Look out for arrows on the ground. To open locked doors you need to activate a generator nearby and kill all Hungers left in the level so far. Sometimes a Hunger bugs out behind some furniture. Check the rooms for a bugged Hunger before you give up.
– When a generator is started new Hungers will spawn. Don’t rush! Don‘t start the generator if your team is already fighting. Clear the stage, heal up and then start the generator.
– After you played a level a certain time you will know were Hungers will spawn after you startet a generator or picked up a gas can. Spread out so not everyone is in one spot when the Hungers spawn. One or more player(s) can go back behind the farthest known Hunger spawn and play it save. This player(s) can easy line the Hungers up in front of him/them while moving backwards. If everyone else dies he/they maybe can bring the team back.
– In some levels there are gastanks. If you shoot them they will explode and damage/kill nearby Hungers. Don’t waste them. Only shoot them when a lot Hungers are nearby.
– Try to kill the most dangerous Hungers first. For me that are:
Crowbar Hunger – black dressed Hunger – Professor – the „Big One“
After that the others should be no problem.


Know the Hungers:
– Yellow glowing Hungers can’t be damaged. But they can be knocked down to get a little bit more time. To kill them you have to kill the professor first. After that the yellow glow disapears and they are no longer invincible.
You can find the proffesor by following the long „arms“ that are connected to the glowing Hungers.
– White glowing Hungers are not invinceble. However they are stronger versions (buffed). You can kill them with more bullets or you take down the professor first so the glowing Hungers will become normal versions again.
You can find the proffesor by following the long „arms“ that are connected to the glowing Hungers.
– The black dressed Hunger can knock you down so you are not able to fight back. After knocking you he will take you on his shoulder, activates a C4 on his vest and runs away with you. The explosion will damage you and nearby teammates. You can „deactivate“ the C4 by killing him before it explodes.
– One of the female Hungers is bulletproof. It only can be killed by headshots. After beeing killed it will explode and damage nearby Hungers.
– If the crowbar Hunger hits you it can give you the effect of not beeing able to run anymore. You only can walk and be an easy target.
Your teammates can heal you by pressing „F“ next to you.
– If the nurse screams at you you will see everything blurry. (However i think last game i noticed another effect was that i could see through smoke after beeing screamed!?)
Your teammates can heal you by pressing „F“ next to you.
– The „Big One“ will run at you and tackle you. That can knock you down. When running he will glow yellow and is invincible. Wait for the glow to disapear. Sometimes he can regain his full HP between attacks. (Maybe if he has enough time not beeing attacked?)

I hope this will help You to get through the levels and have fun with this mode!

1 Comment

  1. DautScout

    I am very sorry for the bad formating. I tried my best with the guides i found here. But it still doesn’t look nice…

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