Call of Duty: Zombies

What do you think is the HARDEST Main Quest Easter Egg in every Treyarch Game?

What do you think is the HARDEST Main Quest Easter Egg in every Treyarch Game?


  1. tonydatiger10

    BO1 – Shang ( hard to find 3 ppl to do it )
    BO2 – Buried ( the shooting target step is a pain if one of the teammates miss one )
    BO3 – Gorod Krovi ( the bomb step can be a pain in the ass trying to remember the order )
    BO4 – I got carried in every ee except Alpha but after watching yt videos I’d say Voyage
    BOCW – All the ees are easy but that boss fight on Mauer can be hard

  2. Volatiiile


    WaW – Der Riese.
    Bo1 – Moon.
    Bo2 – Tranzit.
    Bo3 – Gorod Krovi.
    Bo4 – Blood of The Dead.
    Cold War – Forsaken.

  3. Moon waiting for damn tunnel 6 to get excavated! Hard because how many times have you got to round 40 without it happening damn rng

  4. MrDonaught_Gaming

    Everyone here saying Gorod for BO3, while I think it’s one of the easiest EE’s. All the BO3 EE’s are about the same in terms of difficulty, which is not that difficult at all. But I would say SoE just because you have to find 3 other competent teammates who won’t keep setting you guys back or holding you up. Other than that, they are all the same to me.

  5. HighScoreHaze

    Idk if it counts as a main quest, but legion is hard af, can’t seem to do it and it takes like 2 hours to setup

  6. Complete_Resolve_400

    I’m gonna ignore all the 4 player required ones together as it seems unfair to compare them against the soloable ones

    I think BOTD is more tedious than hard ngl. I would personally rank gorod as the hardest because every time I’ve tried it with friends something has gone stupidly wrong (not the games fault, it’s just a map I suck at)

  7. Agreeable-Worker-368

    Moon (the excavator step)

    Buried (shooting gallery and round infinite)

    Gorad Krovi (I think the switches are easy what fucks me up is the mangler/ bomb challenges)

    BO4 Voyage

    CW (N/A)

    It’s N/A because I beat all of them first few tries while the others took a long time to beat.

  8. I havent done any of the 1st 3’s EE’s besides Origins so I cant comment on them but for 4 I have done most of Tag (died on the end part many times) and Bloods (was the training zombies guy) so I also cant say but with CW I have done all multiple times and 100% have to say that Outbreaks 1st EE is the hardest as Legion is a really tough boss compared to the rest and the bunker is also pretty hard at times with some of the steps in there.

  9. danman1316

    (Moon/Shang), Buried, GK, Blood, Outbreak 1.

    Non treyarchs: Carrier, Shaolin, Darkest Shore

  10. Termexart

    BO — Moon (I’m just very lucky…).

    BO2 — Tranzit (just boring).

    BO3 — Revelations (I love ee that heavily depend on mystery box).

    BO4 — Classified (it’s not hard really, but long).

    BOCW — First Outbreak quest.

  11. I struggled the most with gorod, I’ve beaten every black ops 3 ee and origins

  12. OmniscientCrab

    Bo1 – Shang
    Bo2 – Die rise
    BOCW – the mimics in fire base z were pretty annoying no but mauer was difficult ig

  13. UltimateGoodGuy

    A lot of people are saying buried, but imo the bank + ability to lock down the box make this easter egg basically free. Origins is definitely harder.

  14. Kinda off topic but ya remember when the legion boss fight first dropped and people were bitching about it being too hard till treyarch nerfed it lmao

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