Ropz also seems pretty deflated about the state of CS2.

Ropz also seems pretty deflated about the state of CS2.


  1. Sums up a lot of feelings I still hear.

    The game took a hit from the satisfaction of CSGO and some of us had expectations that the problems would be addressed before long. Instead we’re a year down the line with some key issues not addressed and radio silence from Valve.

    When Hello Games had problems with No Man’s Sky, they went radio silent but still delivered top notch updates. Valve can’t even manage that.


    Damn, that must be why his form dropped so much this year. It must be so demotivating as a professional video game player for the game devs to not change the technical aspects of the game’s netcoding to your preference.

  3. Cyph3r010

    I mean people can “cs2 this, cs2 that” but undeniably after almost a year I can confidently say that this game is a failure for me at least.

    This game went from “mostly” finished package with some problems here & there to a complete shell of itself.

    Most of my friends just outright stopped playing, I mostly stopped playing I don’t even play for the Levels & Drops because, what’s the point?

    Streamer, pros, players; it’s really hard to find any reasons to defend this game or it’s existence in the first place.

    Source 2 was supposed to be this stepping stone for CS2 future and currently, allow devs not to tangle with Source 1 10 year old source code, meanwhile this is probably the worst year for Counter-Strike when it comes to updates/content since 2018.

    I just hope Valve takes their head out of their asses and actually does something for this game and doesn’t treat it like it’s out for god knows how long and doesn’t need anything more.


  4. TheN1njTurtl3

    Oh no pro players also getting fps issues? who would’ve thought

  5. AccordingBirthday559

    Its so clear. Pros, Analysts all waited 1 year to see if CSGO gets better. The 1 year is just 6 days away and they all starting to say what they didn’t for 1 year. I think we all agree its enough to time at this point for this game to feel mechanically solid, but its not even close. Which is so disappointing cause the CSGO last build still exist and its almost near perfect aside from the SMOKE

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