Numbers don’t lie

This is an excerpt from the PUBG 2023 Gunplay dev letter to refresh you guys. I've been seeing many posts recently what guns to play. If you are kind of new to PUBG, play the guns you hit your shots with. As soon as you are confident you can narrow down your choice of guns with these graphs. Also for the experienced players, this is kind of a confirmation of what is widely used by everyone so you don't have to guess.

As I mentioned, it is from 2023 where the aug already was a world spawn, so I guess it hasn't really changed that much, has it?



  1. BeFrozen

    These graph have merit, guns outperform other guns for a reason. But you shouldn’t play with a gun just because everyone else does.

    I love G36C. It’s not even on this graph, just bunched up with the other 5.56mm ARs as a tiny fraction of monthly kills. But it feels like I do better playing G36C, compared to meta picks like AUG or M416. I have no data to support or deny my claim, but it just how it feels.

    So don’t be discouraged to use non-meta guns. Ideally, have a feel for all weapons, so you don’t feel like you lost just because you didn’t have your main choice weapon. But just play what you like to play.

  2. DinkyDonky96

    Ace 32 w/ Muzzle Break, Heavy Stock, and Lightweight Grip. Laser beam.

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