Cyberpunk 2077

What do you think it will be about?

What do you think it will be about?


  1. Rooknoir

    Smasher’s Bad Day Off. All about how Smasher decided to stay in a different body for some extra meat time, so he strong armed some goon to use the body V encounters at the end of the game.

  2. Objective_Maybe3552

    I kind of want it to be about Morgan Blackhand

  3. Riker1701NCC

    It doesn’t say 2077 anywhere not even the tags. Probably going to be Silverhand Era stuff

  4. KingCarbon1807

    Dunno but it sure as fuck isn’t going to end on a high note

  5. TheLostFrontier41

    I hope Morgan Blackhand. Cmon guysbplease

  6. Troodon_Trouble

    Some youth who gets dealt bad hand, hits rock bottom, gets saved by a choom, then runs on edges and borgs out until they shoot too high and everyone dies after burning corpo shit. That cyberpunk gonk story with feels, never gonna fade away is a winning narrative style

  7. InjuredAstral

    Probably 2010-20 era about Johnny silverhand and how he got with his crew like rouge and samurai

  8. would be a sicked depressing twist if the new project was still on the crew but was reckoning until the event of the game and we learn smasher is gone or dead and david engram has replaced him in his body meaning people who went on cyberpunk beating up smasher for revenge actually beated up david (probably won’t be that but that could be a cause of huge trauma)

  9. Eudamonia

    It’s going to be a 90s style family sitcom of a young Saburo Arasaka.

  10. sssssska

    maybe a story about Morgan Blackhand in the game universe, it would be good

  11. Icy-Performer-9688

    Well gotta prepare myself for the heartache cause nothing ends well in Night City

  12. Background_Zombie_77

    New? As in new season? New project?

  13. SaintsBruv

    Spoiler: Everyone dies, and you will be left with depression.

  14. digitalbladesreddit

    I’m fine with new characters every time, same world.

  15. XylonXabi

    2077 I’m pretty sure because of the black wall stuff in the trailer. If not it will be how Silverhand became Silverhand and then the Third season will be 2077 about V

  16. C_Mc_Loudmouth

    A few chooms get in over their heads.

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