
Only making 12300 of these means its a console for scalpers, not fans. What a missed opportunity by Sony.

Only making 12300 of these means its a console for scalpers, not fans. What a missed opportunity by Sony.


  1. Less_Tennis5174524

    I was shocked to read they are only making so few of these. Fans have been designing these classic edition PS5s for years, you can even buy a lot of unofficial skins online. Sony finally making one and going all out seemed like a huge win, but only making this few means its essentially just a marketing move. No actual fans are gonna own this, its gonna be scalpers and their idiot customers owning this. And honestly all the blame should be on Sony, they know 12300 is too few and they know the PS5 had huge issues with scalpers. Sony fucking sucks yet again.

  2. Limited edition stuff being limited is a controversy now?

  3. clothanger

    Sony: the limited edition console has a limited number.


  4. QQQmeintheass

    Same as the 20th anniversary PS4? What’s new?

  5. Blacksad9999

    There are loads of PS1 styled skins for the console and controllers, and replacement parts you can get for like $10.

  6. lyriktom

    That grey should be the default color for the console anyway, looks so good.

  7. Tadpole-Jackson

    Reddit: “no one is going to buy the PS5 Pro!”

    Also Reddit: “why aren’t they making more of these PS5 Pros!”

  8. MonochromeObserver

    I’m assuming this is the entire package? That you can’t get the controllers themed like that seperately?

  9. I’m going to try and pick up at least a controller

    It succeeds, it succeeds 

    It fails, sony lost money

    It’s not hard and I won’t cry about it

  10. Thebandroid

    i mean its a collectors item… you don’t need to have it, you can still just get the normal one.

  11. keysersoze-72

    > its a console for scalpers, not fans

    Is there a difference ?

  12. Plaston_

    This comment section is so funny!

    Everybody where hating on Sony and when sony made a ps1 edition, the fans are now like “hooo shiny rare controller, must buy!”

  13. I think they know exactly what they are doing. Cashing in on nostalgia + fomo.

  14. Bro who cares even, just get a skins lmao. No need to act all special

  15. DrMantisToboggan1986

    Yeah they’re making even less or these than the Astro-Bot Dualsense. I got lucky with that one but scalpers are gonna jump on this asap.

    Luckily in Australia the pre-order goes live at a decent time 10am unlike the Astro-Bot Dualsense pre-order.

  16. Iucidium

    It’d be nice to get a dualsense to go with my 20th anniversary dualshock 4, and whack a larger battery in it.

  17. jonajon91

    If people keep buying this crap then they will keep trying to sell it to you.

  18. fenamesli

    Why not produce this in mass, so that everyone can buy one. People would buy this even if they already own a ps5. The profit would be much higher.

  19. They did the same thing for the PS4 on PS 20th Anniversary, and guess what, people said the same thing back then. Some people managed to snag one, some didn’t, only thing that’s changed is those bot programs. I doubt Sony will do this again, but I hope there’s an online queue for them like they did for launch PS5s.

  20. TheWaslijn

    Looks really cool NGL. Not buying it though.

  21. BerrySundust

    12,300 units? Might as well deliver them directly to scalpers with a gift basket and a ‘thanks for playing’ note lol

  22. colorblind_unicorn

    sure but by that logic isn’t literally anything that’s limited edition “for scalpers”

  23. TheEternalGazed

    Good. I’m going to try to scalp as many of these as I possibly can and make a profit out of them.

  24. I mean, it’s a collector’s item, they did the same thing for PS4 in 2015. I only hope that they release controllers without this limit

  25. Hey OP, check out to see how rare these things can get lol

    There are special editions limited to like 50 units and even some one of a kind stuff that were given as contest prizes

  26. TemplarSensei7

    What’s that piece on the far right?

  27. Nightshade_NL

    Scalper heaven indeed, i’m predicting a <1 minute sell-out and then 2000$+ reselling. Great stuff.

  28. KingDecidueye

    I’m looking at the controller as it’s time for a replacement slowly. So if I get one of these it’ll be a nice bonus, but at the end of the day I’m not too bothered if it doesn’t work out.

    Any DS Edge users out there who would strongly recommend it over the base controller? It looks sleek in the OG colour scheme.

  29. Carol040Robinson

    That’s so disappointng, we deserve better!

  30. Look at how many people in the comments say, that they are going to get at least one controller, some say they buy the bundle because it is limited. You underestimate how limited 12300 units are. Normal human beings won’t be able to buy one. This is a scalpers/bots and rich people version you probably never going to see in real life.

  31. Maybe just a test run. Then in a year and a half will have a price drop.

  32. melloack

    While the looks of this thing is cool it’s scarcity is what makes it truly special thus driving the price way up

  33. MountainMuffin1980

    The controllers aren’t going to be limited though right?

  34. Doylie1984

    They should have a pre order window for say a week & make those, that way it’ll stop scalpers.
    Creating a unique amount.

  35. Asleep_Sheepherder42

    I don’t see the point of these

  36. Maybe all the scalpers trying to focus on these at launch will free up some regular PS5 Pro for normal customers.

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