Call of Duty: Zombies

Would people be fine if they brought this guy back

Would people be fine if they brought this guy back


  1. ZombiesDadJokes

    I’m still bummed that they took him out of Classified.

  2. quittin_Tarantino

    If this guy cam back in bo6 he would be a shadow of his former self and not threatening at all.

    He would probably just take like a mag of ammo that you can buy back anyway 😂

  3. Lost_Objective_1448

    I thought he was great, it was a unique way to add fear and unpredictability to the game while also giving the players a great reward if done well

  4. This guy was nightmare fuel for my 11 year old self and I genuinely got scared to play that map at that age.

  5. AdditionalAd7746

    Hy bro the free max ammo and the bond fire sale for pap hy one of the best special zombies we ever got introduced to

  6. dieistcast

    They’d have to do it in the right setting he fit in soooo well because it was the pentagon

  7. Taylasto

    The 1000 point pack a punch he drops was awesome.

  8. Mr-GooGoo

    Yes. Biggest part of Classified that I missed. They should make him have less health but also be more sneaky

  9. Savagecal01

    i just want them to make something original instead of being back shit from a universe which was apparently destroyed

  10. Solitaire_Solaire

    I would prefer him to the ascension monkeys any day.

  11. sensationaldog

    we need to have more things terrorizing players again, he should come back

  12. Sarcastic_Rocket

    He’s been buffed subtly.

    In BO1 guns cost the same as they do now off the wall or from the box, but only 5000 to pack

    Put this guy into cold war and you lose salvage on the rarity and 50,000 points for a triple packed gun


    I was on a roll the other day and he stole my damn upgraded ice gun. All my other pap guns were out of ammo so I was out of luck.

    I could have bounced back but had a meltdown the following round and died on 20.

  14. THE_SourCrout

    he is such awesome sauce!! I would luv it if they brought him back tbh

  15. Jaybob330

    He’s so annoying, but if it’s Five then he has to be there.

  16. thedean246

    The way bro ran at you was so terrifying lol

  17. Alfredo_Alphonso

    He’s cool you have ways to counter pentagon thief and he rewards the player with a bonfire sale

  18. arrocknroll

    No but I do wish they would bring back this type of creativity in the enemies. BO1 was such a cool collective of creative ideas for different enemy types. Pentagon thief stealing weapons, ascension monkeys stealing perks, George being the tankiest boss of all time, Shang monkeys stealing power ups, the astronaut zombie stealing perks and teleporting you. It was such a renaissance of ideas that we really don’t see anymore. Now all the enemies just have a lot of health and do damage.

    These guys legitimately made you plan for them and changed the strats of the maps they were in.

  19. nearthemeb

    He has a great design and interesting lore so if they get rid of his ability to permanently get take aways your gun then sure he can come back. Him not being in classified was a huge bonus because of the fact that I didn’t have to worry about my gun being taken away.

  20. Ill-Claim-9341

    Once u get over the fear of five he’s pretty easy to kill but five is one of the most scariest maps ever made

  21. AsteroidDestroyer21

    Absolutely no this guy made me cry when i was a kid

  22. boogsoogs

    When you know how to deal with him he’s the best boss/special type ever probably. You either get a bonfire sale or a regular fire sale (if knifed) poses very little threat, several ways to deal with him. And ups the scare factor

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