
The price of the PS5 Pro in Australia. The disc drive is another $159 (sold out).

The price of the PS5 Pro in Australia. The disc drive is another $159 (sold out).


  1. Individual_Lion_7606

    I feel bad for Australians. Completely joked in the entertainment industry from books to movies. Then they deal with absurd gaming prices and ratings system that not even Europe touches.

  2. Yeah they can get fucked. I would have purchased it if it was $800. For the price buying a PC would be the only possibility for me. I play my ps5 almost daily and so do my kids. Absolutely love the ps5 but it’s just way too much for what it is. Especially with their lack of exclusives at the moment.

  3. No one needs this. It’s not enough of an improvement to matter, and they’re basically putting it into the market and immediately shifting focus to the next console.

  4. SolidCat1117

    FYI, $1199.00 AUD is $815.95 USD. It’s $740.94 here with tax, so Oz is paying a $75 premium for it.

  5. Hadesthedude

    It’ll probably be R$6k here in Brazil. Minimum monthly wage here is R$1400. A joke

  6. Dave10293847

    Sony clearly intends to make a little profit per unit for this console. That means non primary markets are completely at the mercy of their currency value and the logistics required to maintain supply. None of this is surprising at all.

  7. infradoam

    The expected minimum price in Turkey is 1,523.51 US dollars :/ Turkish government is not joking around when it comes to taxes.

  8. WickedHero69

    at least australian monthly wage is very big. meanwhile us 3rd world country fans are poor af. $1000 no disc drive and its equal to 5 month salary here. fml

  9. sarcasticbat19

    Similar to Canada, it prices out people.

    I guess that’s fine as only hardcore gaming addicts or rich people with money to burn will be buying this anyway

  10. Still 67 euros cheaper than in Europe I guess.

  11. JTD_On_Fire

    It’s not worth it maybeeeeee the ps6 but not this

  12. Zestyclose-Fee6719

    I live in China right now, and the PS5 with a disc drive currently sells for around $600 USD, but for a long time it was $700 USD. I can only imagine what the Pro will go for here in its first year. I remember the PS4 Pro launched here for $500 USD. I’m extremely happy with my gaming PC and base PS5 combo, so I’m just watching as a curious spectator.

  13. Fuck me I can get a pretty decent PC for that price. I thought consoles were supposed to be the cheaper option?

  14. mgillespie175

    just don’t buy it lol, that’ll teach them (maybe)

  15. notsocoolguy42

    Luckily most ps5 games nowadays come to pc so us pc plebs don’t need to put that amount of money into a machine that’s just for entertainment.

  16. Hefty-Ant-378

    Sony will have the “First” ppl by the short and curlies but just wait they will slash the prices and give bundles just to sell them.

  17. Ssscrudddy

    Jeez, I dread to think how much a 4090 costs in Oz dollars

  18. GorcsPlays

    Base PS5 around here in Brazil is currently at ~3.5 minimal wages, when PRO comes best believe it’ll around 6 minimal wages, let that sink in

  19. Give-me-your-taco

    I mean I don’t really see why people are tripping about a higher price and a stronger machine in comparative to normal ps5.

    500-600 dollar consoles are gonna be gone for anything new gen with more power. Hell a decent 1440p PC is gonna run at least 1500 with no peripherals

  20. Arkhamfitnessnz

    1379 in newzealand then 169 for disk drive and 59 for stand.

  21. Toxicity246

    What’s that in the number of Tim Tam’s?

  22. derpdankstrom

    sold out is awfully misleading if it’s a few hundred/thousand consoles sold.

  23. thefrostman1214

    in brasil the estimate price with taxes will be R$ 6000,00 this is USD 1108,44 in the current conversion

  24. Informal-Evidence997

    Price here in Brazil is expected to be 1300USD

  25. ItsLewdoe

    Converted to pounds that’s actually cheaper than the planned cost in the UK, so..

    £616 compared to £699 release price.

  26. GeraintLlanfrechfa

    Is just everything more expensive in Australia?

  27. Tolendario

    a premium device comes with a premium price. if you dont like it dont buy it, youre not entitled to your hobbies

  28. I could never get a discless version of a console. How else would I be able to watch my physical media!?

  29. anonerble

    If you think you need to buy a pro. That’s no one’s fault but your own

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