Call of Duty: Zombies

Is this shop legit?

I saw this shop on tiktok selling zombies wonder weapons but a lot of his vids have weird filters with comments turned off. Would love a wavegun but don’t want to get scammed lol


  1. AxelNoir

    Don’t think I’d trust anything on TikTok lol

  2. Thin_Corner6028

    This is just a random, not very well put together dropshipping site. So just be aware your money will most likely be going to some skreb in his mums house, but may be someone genuinely trying to make some money on some models they have made.

    Given that it is a dropshipping site, there is two things to note. Either they are getting these models directly from somewhere like Ali Express or Temu and then upping the price, in which case look on there yourself and order it a lot cheaper. Or they have actually made these and are just trying to make some money.

    Just be careful.

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