What the hell are these modern prices?

What the hell are these modern prices?


  1. This is the same as train sim, there’s no need to have all addons and each one has lots of work put into, they’re not only different 3d models and textures

  2. CicadaGames

    It’s a flight sim… The price should be no surprise.

  3. theSurgeonOfDeath_

    It’s niche genre and needs expensive hardware. So price is justified.
    Also accessories cost more than game.

  4. Code_Kid1

    Aviator includes something like 200 aircraft so…

  5. ProAvgeek6328

    if you actually knew how microsoft flight simulator is like to play then you wouldn’t be complaining about the price. MSFS is worth every cent.

  6. Game is mostly streamed because of the crazy amount of details and 1:1 earth scale so that you won’t need a dedicated 4Tb disk just for it, that’s a huge server cost to keep running while also wanting to make a profit like any other game, need to get that money somewhere.

    If you’re a MSFS enthusiast that cost is nothing but if you don’t plan to spend months on the game you’re better off getting it through Game Pass.

  7. If you understood how much development goes into each aircraft and how the game operates with Azure cloud streaming, then you wouldn’t be shocked. I’m honestly surprised it’s not a subscription given how the game is essentially a cloud service.

  8. Colonial_bolonial

    Commercial and private pilots actually use this to train and practice. I didn’t even realize non-pilots played this as a game until the last one came out and all the YouTubers were ranting and raving about it, I had always thought it was a training program mainly for pilots.

  9. You know, you can also buy a VW Golf for 75.000€. But the good thing is, that you actually dont need the premium ultra deluxe master3000 edition of something.

  10. El_Androi

    Another one of these posts who don’t understand how modular simulators work.

  11. borfavor

    Yeah I don’t think simulators are for you then. Don’t look up DCS prices

  12. liaminwales

    That’s not new for Flight sim, the target audience see it as good value.

    It’s a game for people who role-play as real pilots, it’s hard core.

  13. Stormwatcher33

    Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without saying you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  14. Robot1me

    “Premium Deluxe” That deserves a meme on its own 😛

  15. 3scap3plan

    these shouldn’t be looked as typical “games”.

  16. Those are the Aviator and Deluxe Premium editions.

    The base app is still $60, and it currently half off in the XBox store on PC.

  17. thommyangelo

    easy solution, get rich you poor basterd. :-p

  18. Prize-Quarter-7681

    almost like they want you to get Gamepass

  19. FlightSimmerUK

    I think it’s over priced and I’m an avid user of MSFS. They’re releasing this 4 years after their 2020 version, because that was developed in such a way which has prevented some fairly fundamental features to be missing and they’re unable to implement without an overhaul.

    This is the overhaul.

    Also, they’ve added features such as career mode. In my opinion, leave that to the third party devs – a flight sim dev should focus on creating the best possible core sim which allows high quality third party add ons.

  20. PhantomPain0_0

    This is the one game I don’t mind paying that much because literally it has the world as the map

  21. flappers87

    FS is not representative of other games. It’s a simulator with a very tight, dedicated audience – an audience that are more than willing to spend literally hundreds of thousands to setup a fully integrated flight simulation system at home.

    Sim games are for a specific type of people. A type of person who has the money to spend on expensive setups.

  22. NaughtyPwny

    Are you fucking serious? A child? Have no idea about anything regarding tech/software?


    From the above: Sublogic advertised that the $25 FS1 “is a visual flight simulator that gives you realistically stable aircraft control”, with a graphics engine “capable of drawing 150 lines per second”

    $25 in 1980 is $100 today, for a basic af flight sim that is literally incomparable to what we have available to us today. How much did you pay for your hardware and are you aware of the idea that software can in fact be valuable too?

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