Call of Duty: Zombies

Let me introduce y’all to a REAL mans HUD…

Let me introduce y’all to a REAL mans HUD…


  1. hidden-hat

    It would be really cool if you could opt out of Gobble-gums as an extension of customizable HUDs, and for those who want to use them, make it so they can be arranged differently. So you can have a straight row of gums with their associated button beneath them, if you wanted. Or you could have the D-pad selection like this.

    I imagine the player doesn’t have perks in this pic, but now I’m imagining if you couldn’t see the perks you have, you just know you have them because you bought them. I can’t imagine that would change much. If you go down, you know you need to re-buy them. Some personality is lost due to not being able to see the perk icons, but not much functionality is lost, except maybe on a map like TranZit where your perks can be disabled if the power is turned off.

  2. Affectionate_Case862

    Your opinion, which don’t really matter

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