Cyberpunk 2077

lines that sticks in your mind i’ll go first: what’s up in the big world

lines that sticks in your mind i’ll go first: what’s up in the big world


  1. saddisticidiot

    “Fuck arasaka blah blah smash mikoshi…” – Valerie

  2. ledocteur7

    “You look like a fuckable cut of meat”

    Only time smasher actually felt genuinely menacing.

  3. Academic_Ad5369

    When at one of the endings V said “I am the Cyberpunk” and preceeded to Cyber all over the Punk

  4. “quiet life, or blaze and glory”
    in spanish it took a meaning more like “A boring but long life, or a short but awesome life”

  5. Atomic_Fart699

    Every time you start up the game “Good morning Night City! Yesterday’s body count lottery rounded out to a solid ‘n’ sturdy thirty! Ten outta Heywood – thanks to the unabated gang wars!”

  6. “You’ll Follow This Breadcrumb Trail, And When You Connect The Dots All You’ll See Is A Dick.”

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