Cyberpunk 2077

How did Arasaka not sue/seize Delamain after helping V steal the Relic?

How did Arasaka not sue/seize Delamain after helping V steal the Relic?


  1. The relic seems like a hush-hush project and they decided to keep things under wraps. Suing it would only cause unnecessary ruckus which their competitors might exploit.

  2. LoneWolf622

    Its possible that Delamain as a neutral entity is part of the feeble truce between Arasaka and Militech and attacking Del could have a butterfly effect that upsets the fragile balance of power in NC

  3. TangerineVivid7656

    Do you think Lockhead & Martin would sue uber if someone stole top secret material and then use an uber to escape?

  4. To which end?

    It’s an AI that was hired for a ride, and in no way involved in planning of the heist. Del doesn’t even know what the relic is, nor toes it have any additional information that could be useful to Arasaka.

    It’s for the same reason they didn’t seize Afterlife – all trouble, no gain.

  5. Cravensworth_redux

    I guess they could have strong armed Del into handing over info about V, but that’s about it. Going legal would have brought on too many questions about the Relic itself I would think.

  6. Zealousideal-Menu276

    Because it’s literally few weeks between stealing relic and end game missions. Just no time for suits to get ready all documents etc

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