Legs in CS2 vs CSGO [via MrMaxim in YT]

Legs in CS2 vs CSGO [via MrMaxim in YT]


  1. Pokharelinishan

    I think the bottom line is that the sway animations themselves aren’t a problem but there’s many many instances of weird poses and feet position that looks weird and feels bad for gameplay. Valve just needs to address those weird cases and we’re gucci.

  2. Strg-Alt-Entf

    Yeah… I mean it’s just weird to change a super competitive FPS towards realism, ignoring how important these aspects could be for esports.

    I think the legs are generally nit the biggest problem. Ferrari peeks feel weird for different reasons I think. It’s probably (ofc I’m not sure) sub tick and the whole upper body not being as rigid as in GO.

    Michael Jackson like moves should be made impossible, but besides that I feel like, my ability to estimate where to aim and shoot for the head is not as heavily influenced by the legs.

    I could be wrong, but if I were dev at Valve, the first thing I would try is to put movement on tick.

    If that isn’t enough, make the upper body rigid.

    If that also doesn’t make it feel more like GO, you can still get things right on the legs.

  3. G_Matt1337

    After one year people have to deal with this half baked beta that can’t even get movement right

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