We recently released our factory automation game shapez 2, the sequel to shapez.io, in Early Access to mind-blowing success! We’re giving away Steam keys for the game – Ask Us Anything!

We recently released our factory automation game shapez 2, the sequel to shapez.io, in Early Access to mind-blowing success! We’re giving away Steam keys for the game – Ask Us Anything!


  1. Hello everyone!

    I’m Jelle, the community manager working with tobspr Games, the developers of shapez 2! We previously hosted an AMA here for the demo and we got a very warm reception from all of you. Now that shapez 2 is officially released in Early Access, we thought it’d be fun to do another one!

    We’ll also be giving away **5 Steam keys** for the game (*or* the Supporter Edition DLC), so be sure to read on for more info on how to participate.

    # About shapez 2

    shapez 2 is a top-down factory-building game where each shape is its own set of building blocks that your factories can take apart, stack, paint and put back together in unique ways. Build and automate to produce distinct shapes and solve the challenge of each goal. Create huge factories and connect them up with belts, launchers and even space trains! There are no impending dangers or resources to manage. It’s a chill game that allows you to focus on the core of factory builders: satisfying production lines and a never-ending need to *grow the factory*.

    From a beginner-friendly base game mode to extremely challenging modes that puts even experienced players to the test: customize game settings down to difficulty, costs, map generation and extra game rules that change the way you play the game.

    Shapez 2 released into Early Access a month ago and the reception has been nothing short of mind blowing. Our predictions were blown out of the water, passing our goals for the first year in a matter of days!

    We work closely together with the community to determine what features and changes we should add. If the community votes against something, it’s not coming into the game. Want to get involved as well? You can find shapez 2 on Steam here: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2162800/shapez_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2162800/shapez_2/)

    # Ask us anything!

    Feel free to ask us anything about shapez, our other games, game development, the game industry or just something funny. We’ll be around for about 3 hours, but may come back to answer some more later on.

    The following accounts will be answering your questions:

    – tobspr – Tobias Springer, Founder of tobspr Games, who is also behind the original [shapez.io](http://shapez.io)

    – JelleGD (me) – Jelle, Community Manager

    Please keep in mind that we may not have time to answer every question we get. We’ll prioritize questions we haven’t had yet this AMA, so if yours isn’t answered, be sure to check the other questions.

    # Giveaway

    This AMA **we’ll be giving away 5 Steam keys for shapez 2!** If you already own shapez 2 (thank you) you can choose to get the Supporter Edition DLC instead, which includes twice the amount of music, music downloads and (slightly inefficient) loops and twisters for your trains. Or just get another key for the game to give to a friend 🙂

    Anyone who asks a question will be entered into the giveaway. One entry per person and we’re only counting top-level comments (so don’t reply to this comment!). The winners will be randomly selected after 3 hours using redditraffler, who will then receive a private message from me. Be sure to check your inbox tomorrow, as I’ll need to know what key you want! You do not need an answer from us to be considered for the giveaway.

    **Giveaway Qualifications**

    To make sure people won’t make multiple accounts for multiple entries, the minimum account age to be considered for the giveaway is 30 days.

    Thank you for checking us out and ask away!

  2. I’m an avid factory-game player (primarily Factorio, DSP and Satisfactory) and I’ve followed the news about shapez 2, watched a couple of YT videos (Nilaus mostly), but haven’t dived in yet.

    So in that light, my question would be: What’s your pitch for someone who’s already in the genre to pick up shapez 2 and sideline (at least for now) Satisfactory 1.0 and the upcoming Factorio Space Age expansion?

  3. Lord-Unchemael

    Will steam achievements be added? If so, is there a time frame for them being added?

  4. eaglestorm13

    Will there be more than three color options for trains.

  5. boombexsea

    Will there be mod support in the future like with the original shapez?

  6. 22draynor

    Loving this game so far! it scratches all of the design aspects of similar factory games already out there without the tedium or limit of resources allowing you to fully explore the factory designing aspect.

    have you considered multiplayer support? I often play other games in this genre with friends where we can work together to solve the task at hand and playing along side eachother just doesn’t have the same appeal.

  7. Are you thinking of supporting modding, and if so, what kind of modding/languages can we expect?

  8. CartographerOk6777

    Are there any plans for more different modes or difficulties.

  9. BallMeBlazer22

    Love the studio’s work, been a big fan of the original and loving the new one so far.

    Do you have plans for native controller support for Shapez 2? Would really love to play the game more on the go via steam deck, and while there are community profiles, having native controller support would be greatly appreciated.


    Are you considering adding modding or steam workshop support to the game? I’m excited to see what the community could do with the game if tehy were able to customize it further.

  11. Are you thinking of releasing a mobile version?

  12. blaster7771

    I have played Shapez 1 for years, and I have really been enjoying my playthrough of Shapez 2. Keep up the good work!

    My question is this: if you could add one feature to Shapez 2, regardless of technical limitations or development time, what would you want to add?

  13. I played the first shapez game when it first came out in early access and loved it straight away. When this one came out, I bought it straight away and it’s amazing and I can’t wait to see what it’ll turn into with futur updates.
    I’d like to know what gave you guys the idea to make a second game.

  14. Will there be added other features like painting and crystalizing with colors or maybe even whole new thing?

  15. rrroooooooooo59

    Will there be any new major content/dlc planned? Such as the original games puzzle dlc?

  16. ogbogb10z

    Personally I wasnt really a factory building games enthusiast kinda guy, but Shapez pulled me in and the sequel did the same.
    What do you think makes it unique compared to other games? 
    Is it the music, the simplicity of shapes instead of machines, or the vibrant art style? 

  17. Are you considering any additional ways to incorporate wires and associated parts into the core gameplay?

    To me it’s been a huge step to go from completing all the milestones with no need for them to the pseudo-end game goal of building a MAM with no hands-on experience using wires.

  18. Timminator555

    Why did you decide to not make the wires separate layers in shapez 2?

  19. Infamous_Throat2603

    Are there any plans to make it so that there’s more than one home base? Not saying that I want to spam it across the map but it would be pretty interesting to see a task or milestone where it requires to be a different vortex. Like we have a circle vortex but also a square vortex and a spike vortex etc.

  20. MegaFocusDv

    I’m also a game developer and I was always curious about why some games succeed and some not. There luck for sure but what did you do to succeed about the game?

  21. Congrats on this great release! My question is: How many People are actively working on Shapez 2? I have heard something about Shapez 1 being developed by a single person (or at least very few people), so im interested to see the increase of developers you need, in order to able to produce this amazing game.

  22. merwiefuckspez

    What were the biggest challenges of going from 2D to 3D?

  23. Extension-Artist5124

    Are there plans to add in-game statistics on production, buildings and other statistics to the game?

  24. CausticPenguino

    So for the Operations level is there somewhere I can see a leaderboard? This is my first factory game with a ranking already on level 250 after a few days and I’ve been so addicted

  25. nyulzsiraf

    Will there different type of trains in the game?

  26. Paulopacads

    How long do you think it’ll take for you to release the 1.0 version of the game? How much content is missing from a full version of the game in your opinion?

  27. ManIkWeet

    What is your favorite shape?

    Does the universe contain every shape if you search long enough? (I watched LetsGameItOut’s video)

  28. PressStart36

    Currently, the game is very thoroughly polished with all the current game modes. I’m curious though, are there any plans, aside from vertical pipes/wires, to make large changes that will alter gameplay for the currently existing gamemodes, ie like a new shape/fluid mechanics, new shapes, new buildings, ect; or will updates add content tied to different gamemodes/scenarios?

  29. Weird question, but what’s the reason behind not keeping the “rocket” logo from shapez 1?

  30. blockshift759

    will there be more “less flexible” shapes like crystal and pins in the future? maybe for harder game modes

  31. posting_anon

    I have the game, but would love some better in-game instruction on wires. What I have seen is pretty light on the ground and don’t have the time/desire/set up to watch a bunch of YouTube videos when I just want to stay in-game and play through a tutorial to learn. Is that planned?

  32. Hello,
    During the early phase of development, you have been consulting the community about the art style to give to Shapez2. Now that this one has been selected, do you have plans to bring some other art styles through paid DLC? Some of the one you showed in the past were really great!

  33. Few-Swimming9433

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I read in the discord that modding will be (at some point) added to shapez 2, What exactly will be capabilities of mods: for example in minecraft can change almost anything, but in facotorio their is an api that allows to add things, but its much harder to change existing things (not to say I don’t like that the factorio api is probibly one of the best modding api’s I have ever seen). So basicly will we be able to with mods change the core games functions?

  34. Will you plan to ever get the game to other platforms/launchers or maybe even Xbox gamepass?

  35. No question, just a statement. I’ve already lost *so much* time in the Early Access release.

    I really enjoy how Shapez and Shapez2 has distilled the factory part of factory games down to just the factory and still made it compelling. It’s not about defending your base, it’s not about being resource constrained. Its about filling up that belt, or adding another belt and filling that one, or adding another and filling that one. Or finding that trains are just more fun to yeet into the vortex.

  36. fauxdragoon

    Did anyone on the dev team ever play the Incredible Machine back in the 90s? I don’t know why but the trailer for shapez 2 made me think of it.

  37. R_M_Renfield

    Any plans for full steam deck support? Or mobile?

  38. Small_Gas_12

     What about adding more complex train logic, super fast space belts?

  39. Now that you have created Shapez 2, what do you have in mind for future projects?

  40. As someone who has spent around 50ish hours on the game, I think the endgame seems pretty stale so far (as is expected of an early access game, this is not meant to be criticizing). The only thing I really am doing currently is building a MAM from scratch without help (or rather trying to), which mostly takes place on paper rather than ingame.

    So I guess my question would be how, if at all, are you looking to approach the endgame besides the randomized shapes and the rank, or if you are not looking to do that, will there be incentive to replay the game like more scenarios or some other twist on the gameplay?

  41. CaptainFlint_vka

    Some time ago I discovered that after switching to Shapez 2, you released the source code of Shapes 1 into public as Community Edition. That’s a very unusual approach in the software development industry, so big respect for that! But could you tell us the story, how you came to the idea of doing it? Was it planned from the start, or was it just a sudden “hey, why don’t we?” decision?

  42. The_Casual_Noob

    It looks interesting enough, from watching LGIO’s video, but I’m a Satisfactory player so right now all my free time is taken by the new 1.0 release.

    I’ll check again in a few months (and 500-800 hours of playtime) !

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