
Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered Confirmed By ESRB Rating

Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered Confirmed By ESRB Rating


  1. Sad_Gur7911

    I miss when we use to make new games. Not remaster everything for the millionth time.

  2. BitingArtist

    The game is so recent it has a PS5 version…This is just sad.

  3. Charming_Wrap_2435


  4. ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

    Such a waste of dev time…

  5. GFHeady

    Remastering a game that “just” came out rather than getting their hands on something actually old(-ish). **still cries in 30 FPS Bloodborne on ‘not-PC’**

    Honestly, those few years… The game still looks and plays amazing!

  6. RazzleThatTazzle

    That game is way too recent for a remaster. Shameless cash grab. Which is disappointing because it’s one of my all-time favorites.

    Hopefully it will make forbidden west go on sale tho.

  7. Lilydoesntknowimhigh

    Simpsons hit and run or the warriors remaster is what we want

  8. filthy_casual_42

    Incredibly dumb and greedy move. Who is replaying this remastered game 5ish years after release?

  9. WorkingAssociate9860

    Just makes this gen seem even more of a refresh as opposed to a new generation when you keep remaking games that were available on the PS3/ps4

  10. Mastxadow

    Can’t wait to buy a new console to play the old games but faster.

  11. cosmicsmosmic

    Dear Sony, please remaster The Last Of Us 2 & God of War Ragnarok while you’re at it. They’re just far too old at this point.

  12. SirHomoLiberus

    Why remaster this game? Who even makes these decisions? Such a brain dead move lol

  13. Routaprkle

    This gen is just full of remasters and remakes, not too many good new games.

  14. lambofgun

    cant wait to see aloy give everyone sound advice in slightly better resolution

  15. AshenRathian

    More wasted fucking time and manpower on a project no one fucking asked for.

    I really feel like my PS5 purchase was fucking wasted man. Nothin good comin out anymore for it.

  16. Blacksad9999

    The game isn’t very old and still looks fantastic, especially on Ultra settings.

    This is getting out of hand. Make some new games, people.

    Sony was just saying that one of their weak points is lack of original IP’s. It’s not just Sony though, this is becoming more and more common industry wide.

    You don’t need to remaster or remake a game unless it’s super dated.

  17. Askduds

    When are they doing Last of Us again?

  18. 100percentapplejuice

    The Last of Us all over again

  19. IIIIlIlIIIl

    and no bloodborne remastered…..

  20. parkingviolation212

    They are really, desperately trying to make HZD a big thing.

    I mean I appreciate the game well enough but it just seems obvious to me that Sony thinks its a bigger deal than it is.

  21. DabiriSC

    Already? Talk about company greed. Jesus christ.

  22. restartmister

    I need another remaster of the last of us and part 2 please

  23. Evil_Ermine

    I’m not entirely sure what they mean by a remaster, but I’m not super against it if its what I am thinking.

    HZD still looks amazing, but Forbidden West looked even better, especially the volumetric fog and clouds in Bruning Shores. Also, the models for the enemies are more detailed in Forbidden West.

    If they just bing the game up to the visual standards of Forbidden West, add some path tracing, etc.. then I’d probably be interested.

    Or if Gorilla rebuilds the game in UE5 or something.

    To be honest, we will just have to wait and see what they do. Ether way, we will always have the original. It’s not going anywhere.

  24. NibblaNinjaNagger

    This console generation sucks ass

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