
If these 3 factions were to run into each other who would come out on top ?

If these 3 factions were to run into each other who would come out on top ?


  1. Sad_Gur7911

    My bets on the flood. I just remember how scared I was playing that mission in combat evolved. Felt like a totally different game.

  2. Wraeinator

    Flood > Tyranids but either way could happen

    Necromorphs have no chance

  3. ExcaKill

    Tyranids how is this even a question

  4. I’d say flood. They can use weapons, vehicles and can fly ships in order to travel between star systems. They also survived annihilation from a weapon designed to wipe out all life in the galaxy.

  5. Pender8911

    If you know anything about these three the answer is so obvious it doesn’t deserve an answer.

  6. The_Corvair

    As always: Whoever the writers like best.

  7. noxsanguinis

    Tyranids, no question about it.

    Just by numbers alone they would win.

  8. Agiantgrunt

    Flood. They can infect anything and learn all its secrets. Also they can use vehicles and fly space ships. In one of the halos they explain that a single spore can kill off a species.

  9. The tyranids and flood will probably end up merging as they assimilate eachother.

    The necromorphs are screwed even if they have the advantage of having infinite energy with the marker powering their cells. Both the tyranids and flood can probably beat them though, being hive minds of massive scale they can probably resist the marker signal forever with no problem. So they just have to infest/eat all the necromorphs and they win.

  10. Shellman00

    The Flood. They are like Tyranids but super fucking intelligent. Necromorphs are just zombies with crazy physical abilities.

  11. clothanger

    fun fact:

    Warhammer universe is so insanely broken that most (if not all) questions like this one can just be answered by the Warhammer related faction.

    Tyranids is the definition of your biggest Zerg swarm, but worse, and bigger, due to Warhammer’s nature of “turning the knob to 11 when the scale is just 10”.

  12. kain01able

    Logistically, the Necomorphs have the worst form of invasion, since they basically need a carrier to get anywhere, unless you have a Brother Moon.

    The question then becomes, how durable is a brother moon and how quickly are corpses becoming necromorphs?

  13. DiagaRuath

    10000 percent the flood. They infect all living things. Also I hated playing them in Halo 1 and 2.

  14. Windyandbreezy

    Is it Halo 1 Flood and do they have rocket Launchers?

  15. Talostraz

    Really depends what stage and how much biomass the flood starts with. Feral stage flood, Nids sweep. If they have multiple keyminds and can start using neural physical structures and are able to form flood burns, Flood sweeps. Necro morphs are just biomass delivery.

  16. Foxicious_

    Own and have read every Halo book and game And it’s my favourite universe, dead space is my favourite game franchises of all time

    Only recently I became partially obsessed with Warhammer..

    It’s the tyranids…

  17. Mikehaze91

    In gonna go with the flood on this one I feel like they would eventually overwhelm everything in their path

  18. lokiafrika44

    Tyranids adapt to most things they fight overtime not to mention their current forces are simply a scout fleet (at least it was last time I read tyranid lore), imo the nids would just adapt and outlive both the flood and necromorphs even with their dependancy on a hive mind, not to mention that something like a hive tyrant would be insanely hard to take down for either

  19. Otherwise-Remove4681

    Difficult to say who would come on top, when they might as well to merge into something totally different.

  20. Adam9172

    Tyranids through sheer numbers. The three branches invading the Milky Way right now are just a fraction of the true swarm.

    The flood is bonkers don’t get me wrong, but they would not survive in 40k long enough to get moving.


  21. iggythepyro

    Nids if they all start small, Flood if they can build up to the graveminds etc. and start countering Tyranid warp shenanigans with their own weird space magic, necromorphs may survive if either other faction decides to use the marker as a source of free biomass (assuming the markers create extra biomass – if they don’t, the necromorphs are gonna get wiped out)

  22. British_Historian

    This is something I’ve always wanted to see in media to be honest, we often have the one “All consuming, use yourself against you.” faction in a lot of universes.
    (Cybermen in Doctor Who, Zerg in Starcraft, Borg in Star Trek, The Brood in Marvel, Xenomorphs in Alien… the list goes on, you get it.)
    But we so rarely get to see them encounter another one.
    They could even have entirely separate goals from one another like the examples listed.
    I guess because they don’t make for good protagonists we rarely see them as more then a mass.

  23. Falcon3333

    Flood depend on other civilizations technology to accomplish anything, their biggest claim to fame was debating a Forerunner AI into betraying its creators, which ultimately doesn’t mean much as the Forerunners might be the dumbest race in all of sci-fi.

    Tyranids have all the assimilation properties of the flood, with greater diversity, self-determination, bioships, sustainability, and wouldn’t be able to be infected by the flood. Canonically Johnson (albeit the only known person) is immune to the flood due to a biological condition, which means that the Tyranids would be immune to assimilation.

  24. Single-Piccolo-1831

    The thing that comes out of the mix and fucks the rest of the universe, that’s who.

  25. LambentCookie

    Of these 3, between the flood or Tyranids.

    In a battle, Tyranids.

    In a galactic war, Flood.

    Bonus contender, infestation from Warframe, beats all 3

  26. eragonawesome2

    I’m not convinced there would be any dead tyranids for the necromorphs to resurrect, those bugs are like 8 feet tall at a minimum, I just don’t see how a necromorph does significant damage to that. And then even if they do manage to kill one, can they resurrect it before the rest of the swarm consumes the body? Does it even matter if they do? What’s one undead bug gonna do against a hundred?

    Like sure, if the scenario is “which faction would win if you sent ONE” then the flood just sweep, no question. But if we’re comparing these three factions at like, their average fighting level as seen in the games, then Tyranids win purely by virtue of being trillions of giant, ravenous kill bugs

  27. masonicone

    More then likely the Tyranids. Why? Take any faction from Sci-Fi or Fantasy and have them fight a Warhammer 40k. And the 40k faction will win. Again why? Warhammer 40k factions are based around to kids playing with toys and one of them says, “Yeah well…”

    So that’s the thing 40k factions will always pull out some BS that will have them win every encounter with everyone else. Have the Sith Army face the Eldar? They will have some unit that renders *The Force* unusable. The Borg go after the Necrons? The Necrons will have something that makes it for Borg Nano Probes turn on the Borg. Xenomorphs vs the Orks? The Orks will be loving the taste of Xenomorph meat and think getting facehugged and a chestburster popping out is a game.

    Really the only faction I think that can keep up if not beat a faction from 40k is a faction that can throw out just as much BS.

  28. wubbbalubbadubdub

    Tyranids and flood operate on the same methodology, the crossover writer would decide which alien’s genetics won out in the absorption battle.

    Necromorphs are not on the same playing field.

  29. HussingtonHat

    Tyranids are a pretty next level biohazard.

  30. Jays_Pack

    Tyranids have characters like The Norm Emissary & Swarmlord who can literally go toe to toe with Demi Gods & Greater Daemons and they have a hive mind that is arguably the smartest being in all of Warhammer. Master Chief is at Captain America’s level but he’s no Demi God. Tyranids would win hands down.

  31. Senpaiman

    Depends on the size of the factions and stages they are in. If Flood have access to non-Flood technologies like their late stage post-Gravemind are supposed to be, they would likely win. Tyranids can be overwhelmed if they have too many vastly different different technologies and methods used against them, especially if the tech eradicates biomass.

    But in any other stage I feel the Tyranids will win. It would essentially boil down to a biological arms race. Whoever can out-evolve the other will win. Necromorphs will probably lose in this.

    Flood will infect Tyranids, Tyranids will evolve immunities. Tyranids will eat flood; no matter what flood evolve to, they are still biomass material that can be consumed and broken down. I personally feel like Tyranids will win simply because they are notoriously really good at this (they have literally evolved immunities against Nurgle plagues, which are literal magic) and if Flood attempt to use conventional means of fighting which heavily revolves around infection they will find it turned against them. Tyranids are built to fight on pure battles of attrition. I don’t think it will be a quick and one-sided victory though, and whatever biological knowledge Tyranids gain from both factions will make them even more ridiculously dangerous.

  32. ScottishSquiggy

    Don’t the flood have the ability to assimilate their enemies? Nids adapt, but I’d be interested to see the flood assimilating hive minds and hordes through spores.

  33. Silverlitmorningstar

    Id say The nids are better early and mid game, but the flood is just stupid busted if allowed to grow enough. Could you imagine the flood if it got a hold of the necrons?

  34. DabiriSC

    Should have put Zerg there instead of Necromorphs.

  35. Battlefire

    Flood. The Tyranids and Necronmorphs are practically dwarfs compared to the Flood. The Flood origin are literally the most advanced race in the universe who in survival instinct turned to organic dust and that dust ends up being the flood. The Flood itself is intelligence. Millions of years worth of knowledge and wisdom.

    So you take the most parasitic organism who are beyond intelligence. And the only way to stop them is to destroy all organic life in the galaxy.

  36. Iforgotmyname0000

    I’m gonna go with the flood. So the thing is, the necromorphs don’t assimilate every person they kill. At least not right away. You can see human bodies lying around in the games. Tyranids eat the bodies, but they wouldn’t be able to use them until later. The flood, however, have the spore things to change any dead thing into one of them instantly.

  37. TheSilentTitan

    The flood will merge with the tyranids with the flood emerging as the dominant life form of the two. The flood is just canonically op. It takes the smallest fraction of a spore to completely take over every single being it touches which in turn generates more spores, it cannot be fought or staved off. Once it’s on you, you have to either cut it off or paint the ceiling with your brains. Any damage you deal splits the body into smaller parts which spread millions of flood spores into the area, you just can’t beat it unless you kill their food source. The necrons would actually have the best chance at winning because they aren’t biological at all and the flood can’t eat them so they’d just starve eventually.

    The necromorphs though idk, it’s tough because they can only assimilate dead organic material which the flood both is and isn’t. The tyranids would fight the necromorphs but the necromorphs can’t fully die and any dead the tyranids would have would be converted almost instantly. The tyranid need living organic biomass to continue on which the necromorphs explicitly ***dont have***. They’ll eventually start to realize “wait a minute, we killed that guy already” and before they even have time to consider the implications they’re drowned in a wave of their own dead turned on them.

    Like I get that the 40k universe is grimdark and rough and tough but the fans honest to god just completely disregard the canonical facts of other universe baddies.

  38. Hetares

    I assume they meld together into one big mess and we’re fucked.

  39. romulof

    Flood is powered by a super highly evolved being capable of corrupting the Tyranids.

    Necromorphs are just cannon fodder.

  40. Grizzally

    So this is hard as the Nids consume the Necromorphs do they simply become part of the marker? Would the Necromorphs act like a parasitic host on both the flood and the Tyranids?

    The Necromorphs would never win per se, but they could survive as parasites. Taking away bits of the nids or travelling with them.

  41. adkenna

    In lore, the flood are far more powerful and infectious than in the games. All you need to do is breathe in a spore and you’re infected. They can also infect AI and what not too.

  42. Accurate-Rutabaga-57

    Tyranids would eat both, the question is how long would it take

  43. WolfSpartan1

    I was going to say Flood, but then I remembered that you can become immune to Flood infection. All the Hive would need to do is adapt to become resistant and it’s basically over. Free snacks.

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