
Kiroshi optic coming to a ripper near you

Kiroshi optic coming to a ripper near you


  1. voiceless42

    Kiroshi cyberware is known for their quality.

    Elon is Zetatech on a *good* day. You give him far too much credit.

  2. LostInElysiium

    man as much as i’m glad that stuff like this is making progress, elon being somewhat in charge of it makes me wildly uncomfortable.

    this dude is at best an uncontrollable narcissist that spreads rightwin propaganda and sells out to whoever gives him attention.

    i hope we get some state funded/state controlled alternatives to this soon. until then, hopefully he interferes as little as possible with what they’re doing, as it seems to be pretty decent so far?

    at least this post is fitting the cyberpunk theme pretty nicely.

  3. Just like all the Robotaxis filling the streets!

  4. Drogg339

    Blind people being able to see would be amazing but never trust a word that comes out of musk.

  5. Forsen_Throws

    Still can’t help but think Neurolink and now this is all another way for Musk to enter the big data market.

  6. Taewyth

    I fucking hate the fact that Elon is the one to promote this to the mainstream.

    Labs and others should work on their PR, we can’t let Musk be the face of such stuff longer.

  7. naatduv

    Is it another of his grand announcement that’ll never happen ? Yep.

  8. watanabe0

    Remind me, he said he’d have a man on Mars on ten years how many years ago?

  9. Rahaman117

    Wait a minute? What do you mean by Atari-like graphics?

    Either this dude doesn’t know what he’s speaking about or selling his product by being high.

    When you pay for a product to restore your vision you get a product that restores your vision. That is how you set a base expectation.

    Why the fuck do people need uv vision? We’re not pigeons.

    So basically Elon is ready to test his optics on human beings to see if it works or not, we are just guinea pigs for this man.

  10. chaosatdawn

    Available exclusively in our Mars store.

  11. Translation: Neuralink blinded 1,000 monkeys and Musk needed to invent an excuse

  12. Rage2097

    When I played Cyberpunk as a teenager I used to fantasize about having cyberware.
    Now I’m a little older I would never let that man put a chip in my head.

  13. 86cinnamons

    I don’t think that’s how vision works 🤔

  14. funglegunk

    Pretty apt that a classic cyberpunk staple is being promoted by one of the worst people imaginable.

    Doubt it will come to much though.

  15. R1ght_b3hind_U

    remember when he said the cybertruck would be able to cross lakes and small seas like a boat? Don’t believe a single word this clown says

  16. Guy couldn’t even get the cybertruck to market properly and people gonna trust him with this shit?

  17. Arretetonchar

    When was that weet? Is it a new one? Is it just a drop again, with nothing coming anywhere close in reality? Can we have someone else working on the project, or at least an independant team?

  18. SAD-MAX-CZ

    I want that, but only with open source FW and with VR.

  19. PocketCatt

    From Apartheid Clyde? I’ll show some interest when he figures out what he’s going to do about broken and worn out brain chips getting stuck in people’s brains lol

  20. cromagnone

    If Blindsight treats incoming light like X treats content, the streets are going to be full of invisible normal people and Nazis who have paid to shout at you as you walk past.

  21. Archiive

    As long as musk is attached to the “Neurolink,” I’m not even going to imagine considering maybe getting one.

    Even if musk leaves, I’m not going anywhere near one of these things before the government gets involved. Normally, I’m opposed to more government in any way, but. This shit needs to be so heavily regulated with consumer protections, health care oversight, manufacturing standards, and 3rd party testing that any law-book on the subject should be so damn thick it’d rival all other law-books combined.

    Even then, it’d need over a decade of regular consumer use, with zero incidents of any kind, before I’d even think about it.

  22. Ill_Boysenberry9400

    Kiroshi Optics would change the game! The future of augmented reality is closer than we think.

  23. kowdermesiter

    Stop naysaying, my trip back from Mars was smooth AF. The robot taxi Tesla also did a wonderful job taking me home. I really wish I had this with me to navigate in the pitch black mines of Tikhonravov.

  24. Secret-Asian-Man-76

    I’m 100% blind in my right eye. Sign me up!

  25. _x_x_x_x_x

    Please dont get anything from Schmusk.

  26. GLAvenger

    I cannot find the article where I read this but a disability activist said that stuff like this, fantastical solutions that can seemingly solve all disability issues in one swoop, can be actual bad for disabled people because a lot of money is invested in tech that ends up not actually working, or is too expensive to produce for the vast majority of people who actually need it outside a single prototype paraded around tech shows.

    And all that money could be better invested in providing disability access in less flashy ways that actually helps people with disabilities more immediately. Imagine if all the money spend on maybe someday having robot eyes with PS2 graphics instead went to making sure all public transportation was accessible for blind people or for people using wheelchairs or other people with disabilities.

    I am not saying nobody should invest any money in tech like this ever (that’s how we get modern disability aids after all) but the focus on this tech as the “solution” while neglecting currently already available “boring” accessibility improvements is not great.

  27. idestroyangels

    Hope people’s optics don’t catch on fire or fall apart like the rest of Musks’ “inventions.”

  28. Apprehensive_Log469

    Every neuralink announcement is already years behind in terms of computer brain interfaces. These are bargain bin borgs

  29. AdmiralCodisius

    This guy made a truck that you can’t get wet, and you believe he is going to solve blindness? If so, I have a bridge to sell you…

  30. OblivionArts

    Given the first test of neuralink gave the guy using it a stroke, I don’t trust this at all. More likely it just leaves people blind. Fun fact a long time ago in like highschool we got shown a documentary of this doctor who could perform a very experimental and delicate surgery to change the lens of people’s pupils to give sight back to visually inspired people ( it wasn’t curing full blindness cause that is to do with the optic nerve, but it came very close.) I trust that guy a lot more than the muskrat

  31. It brings me some peace of mind seeing there’s almost a consensus on how this guy is absolute scum.

  32. Immolation_E

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure I don’t want any tech from his companies in my head.

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