
Zelda: Wind Waker or Twilight Princess?

If you had to choose one, which would it be?


  1. GhostGCr

    Hard question. I love both of them… But I think I’d prefer wind waker.

  2. Pauricc9

    Wind waker and it’s not even close

  3. Psychoville93

    Twilight Princess 100%, it was my first Zelda game.

  4. Cmdrdredd

    I much preferred Twilight Princess because I found the sailing around to be boring in wind waker. Most of the rest of the game was fine but that dragged it down for me.

  5. Im-Mr-Bulldopz

    The music, the art style, the SAILING!

    Wind Waker is as charming as it is fun and it’s one of the more memorable experiences I’ve had with a Zelda game.

  6. Only_Commission_7929

    If you want a “traditional” Zelda experience, Twilight.

    If you want the most memorable experience, WindWaker.

  7. Djikstra_Is_Cool

    Wind Waker 7 days a week, no offense to Twilight Princess but it’s no competition

  8. ZeroFutue

    Wind Waker is better and more memorable. Looks better as well.

  9. IneiTheDark

    Twilight Princess all the way.
    Gloomy atmosphere and wolf link!

  10. OverdressedShingler

    Wind Waker for me, hands down. My favourite game of all time. It was the first Zelda I properly played.

  11. Triltaison

    Twilight Princess. Love the Arbiter’s Grounds boss fight.

  12. CosmicOwl47

    Ah they’re both so good and so different from each other.

    I’d have to choose WW just because it was the first Zelda I played.

  13. Peripheral1994

    Wind Waker for exactly one precise reason: I’m mega arachnophobic, and having a Skulltula-less Zelda game to enjoy is a godsend.

  14. dasaigaijin

    TP is my least favorite Zelda game (doesn’t mean I don’t like it though) I just didn’t like the animation art style and the music and sound effects always made me sleepy.

    Wind Waker was much more vibrant and memorable.

  15. SunkenTemple

    Haven’t played TwilightPrincess, but I’ve seen it, and I like WW style better. Personal preference, I’m sure both games are great.

  16. Hannis222

    Definitely “Wind Waker”! Graphics are timeless!

  17. phara-normal

    Wind Waker.

    I like both but Wind Wakers art style is holding up way better. Personally I also enjoy the nautical setting and vibes way more than the edgyness of Twilight Princess.

    Edit: Thinking about it, maybe I actually don’t really like TP, I certainly wouldn’t go back to replay it but have done so with WW. I think the complete 180 in tone they did for TP was way too much. I know fans wanted the series to grow up but I think they did the opposite, now as an adult I find WW to be the much more mature game.

  18. IceFrostwind

    Meat and Potatoes of Windwaker, Dessert of Twilight Princess.

  19. Turbantastic

    Twilight princess, the only thing that lets the game down was those annoying wolf sections collecting the bugs. Just a pain in the arse forcing yourself through to enjoy the rest of the game!

  20. Wind Waker is one of my favorite games. It’s art style still holds up today, and the whole game just has this really nice feel to it.  Everything has this really smooth, punchy feel. It helps that I actually kind of enjoy the sailing. 

    It also has one of the best endings in the series, and the setting for the final boss fight might be my favorite dramatic setpiece in any game. 

  21. lRainZz

    Wind Waker.
    Loved both games, but twilight Princess was way too dark/gloomy for my liking.

  22. ComplexxToxin

    You people are INSANE. Wind Waker is GOAT.

  23. scharmlippe

    Windwaker but twilight princess is very close

  24. piichan14

    Visually, WW. TP went with the brown poop color palette that a lot of games had during that time.

    Gameplay wise, I say both.

  25. TheSbocKxD

    Wind Waker is a better game. Twilight Princess has more story and a better villain but overall it’s not as polished as Wind Waker.

  26. Station111111111

    It’s a crime that Windwaker is not on Switch. I love that game.

  27. Infernous-NS

    Twilight Princess has always been my favorite Zelda game. Grew up watching Lord of the Rings and other fantasy movies like it, and Twilight Princess was always the closest in terms of realism, story, and atmosphere to that cinematic experience.

  28. Patutula

    I liked both but if I had to choose ->Wind Waker. It was magical.

  29. sylva748

    Twilight Princess for me. But Wind Walker is also such a great game i can easily see why people choose it.

  30. DerPicasso

    Ive never gotten into Twilight Princess, dunno why. Tried on gc and wii.

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