
These things still exist?!

These things still exist?!


  1. fordprefect294

    The one in the photo does 🤷‍♂️

  2. chef_simpson

    Yup, Amazon sells a few of them. They made a bit of a comeback

  3. susankeane

    Somehow Tiger Electronics returned

  4. alogralapyti

    Not an X-Men one but some other one I can’t remember. A “friend” stole it from me at some point lol

  5. unpaid_overtime

    I’ve got that one and the transformers one. There’s also a few more that have been rereleased recently. Everything old is new again.

  6. LordWeirdDude

    Holy hell, I still have PTSD from this exact same thing from when I was a kid.

  7. Laura_Nelson3749

    Yep, they’re making a comeback!

  8. Banned_User_Back

    I can hear this picture🤣🤣

  9. michaelswallace

    Oh my god I loved this thing as a kid

  10. WakaWaka_

    They rereleased a few of them…unfortunately

    Meanwhile Nintendo releases new Game & Watch for $50 and only puts a couple NES games on it. Could’ve been so much more.

  11. Bated_Breath_Prod

    I had the Jurassic Park one as a kid

  12. Bahamut1988

    And at 17 bucks a pop too, what a rip off.

  13. Null_Singularity_0

    Wow! So many memories from my childhood. Bad memories. These things were awful. Why didn’t I get a Game Boy instead?

  14. GiantBazongas

    I had a Ghostbusters Tiger game way back in the day!

    Biggest waste of money ever 🫠

  15. TranslatorFar9149

    I remember having a few growing up. Saw they made a comeback in recent years. Didn’t they re-release classic ones? Is this one of the re-releases?

  16. Bgrngod

    Jeez I hated these things so much. Exactly zero of them were fun.

  17. DoctorSquibb420

    Amazon sells little portable emulators with hundreds of old games programmed in for like $20. There’s no reason Tiger handhelds should still exist

  18. Snotnarok

    Yes, because they made some recently because people buy nostalgic stuff. Even when they’re garbage.

  19. Bar_Har

    That’s the exact same Tiger game I had…(checks watch) 32 years ago!

  20. DaGoodSauce

    Evidently so. Although I have no clue what I’m looking at. Is it one of those 100-in-1 handhelds?

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