They really did this gun dirty

I knew from the start it wouldn't be the most popular weapon because of its slow fire rate but, seriously, it's very noticeable how little effort they put into this. First of all: the sound is pretty lame, it's like a worse version of the oden's sound. Second: the customization is basically non existent, the most interesting thing you can do is turn it into a worse semi auto version. Third: the two shot potential is insanely inconsistent, I know it'd be pretty broken if it was always a 2 shot kill but more than 8/10 times you'll need 3 shots because you hit the enemy's arm instead of the chest, in that scenario it's pretty much outclassed by every other 3 shot AR, in terms of range and accuracy it's not that great, the recoil… Well it's just what you'd expect from a FAL. I had very high expectations for this gun and I was genuinely excited because of how much I use it in Arena Breakout, and I knew it could never be in the same level because of CODM's balancing but seriously the only thing worse than a bad weapon is an inconsistent and boring weapon. Oh yeah and the battle pass blueprint is a 6/10.


  1. Sup3rGRIN

    > It’d be pretty op if it was always 2 tap

    No, not really cuz sks and as val already do that but way better

  2. Also I think it could’ve been more interesting if only they added more mobility focused attachments along with attachments that further increased accuracy and bullet speed to have more customization options without sacrificing balancing, maybe even a bipod attachment to make it a long range effective assault rifle since the closest things we have to a long range effective ar are the EM2 and maybe the Type19.

    I honestly would’ve preferred they made it 3 shot but with more accuracy, range and a little bit more fire rate.

  3. Large-Lingonberry467

    LAG 53 more like “the LAGging gun”

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